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ON an ominous night they were passing through the dense forest... Only rustling of dead leaves, buzzing of crickets can be heard... The path is not visible properly because of new moon day.... The night was more darker than ever before. Stars couldn't be seen because the clouds had engulfed their twinkling glow inside them.

Grunts of pain can be heard alongside the rustling of dead leaves

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Grunts of pain can be heard alongside the rustling of dead leaves. "please don't do this" a small voice laced with pain is heard.
"no whatever i'm doing let me do" a deep voice with full of authority replied..
"S.. St.. Stop P.. Ple.. Please" a painful whisper escaped from his chapped lips. "Je.. Jeongukk please s.. stop" with a deep breath taehyung murmured unable to speak properly as his throat was burning because he has been thirsty since 5 hours.

"NO" he said dominance and frustration laced in his voice, making the other male whimper at the tone used.

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