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Hey sprees , long time no see

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warning: graphic mention of assualts 


bad times,

that's how Yuna thinks, ever since the last day of the 'trip' , it feels like time runs anticlockwise on devils demand.


people are good at pretending that everything is right when it's not, that it hasn't been fifteen days from that incident to move on so easily, 

are they insensitive? or simply ignorant? or may be she is too into it ,to not move on from that horrendous incident .

how can she move on from that night, the vivid memories flashes in front of her eyes clearly ,those screams of pain and agony--the screeching pleadings--or the filthy laughs that rumbled and resonated through the village still pierce and silently bleeds her ears .

the night when she carefully unwrapped the fragile body of her room mate and gasped seeing the naked trembling body , when the long dainty slender fingers clutched her top in a shivery grip, when it was her very own hands that washed the weak omega thoroughly and dressed him up . that she stayed all night and sat beside the male omega and held his feverish body in her arms, time to time putting cold water strips to soothe the heated body .

"tae, are you okay?" yuna whispered softly ,

 it had been a whole day after jeongukk dropped the omega back , it took whole day for the heat to tone down, and taehyung to come back to his rationality. Ofcourse ,  he knew what happened , some its-bits here and there, but taehyung has never been to accept the truth easily , its easier to skip like a blank pages of book or to ignore every thing that upsets him.

"yes , i am" hiding from yuna's inquisitive gaze . she hold his shoulder's  and finally his eyes met those questioning worried eyes of her.

"tae, you kno~

before yuna could complete her sentence , taehyung cut her off

"it was sex, just sex what you want me to say, it's not a big deal" he raised his voice , shuddering breath left his lips, eyes wild at her.

"you can't ignore this taehyung, it is big deal, for a omega who never let touch anyone in his heat ,how can he say it's not a Big Deal???! , " she folded her hands and said in a pleading tone "please tell me what you feel, share it with me " eyes almost blurred by teras.

omega sighed and turned his head away from her, "it doesn't matter" a firmness in his voice hinting that he will not listen any furthermore on this.

But everything since that day went downhill , for some but not for many.........


its been a month now, jeongukk has met principal Lee for how many days , he lost count every two days ,he is in the lee's cabin.

It was so hard for yuna to calm the principal down, after she told him everything , and the rage she saw wasn't unexpected would be an understatement , but still witnessing the old alpha's rage was something she will never forget , the way the old alpha growled his orange eyes searing like a fire and the way he flipped and thrashed his mahogany table. 

if isn't for jeongukk , things would be much worse than how they are,

the young alpha , met on the very next day with scared and angry parents yelling and cursing at the principal, who for the first time had his neck down in shame,

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