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Hey sprees ✨ enjoy the chapter
It's the longest chapter I've written uptil now 4k words.
Y'all deserves though after waiting for long time
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He reached the common ground and saw the arrangements for the breakfast had been done already, it was a buffet system for all three meals.

Yuna came out of her tent, as soon as taehyung reached, so they both went to have breakfast together.

-"so tae, how was your night," she asked wiggling her brows and waited in line with taehyung in front of her.

"what you meant by that" he raised his eyebrows at the other question.

So he told her that how he was surprised that he had to share cabin with Jeongukk. Keeping the teasing part to himself and how he felt that he shouldn't let the alpha sleep on the floor when Jeongukk just went on slept on the floor without saying anything and then how he woke up at midnight telling the other to sleep on another side of the bed, he didn't tell about what happened earlier in the morning, keeping that to himself.

"so, you're telling me, you slept with Jeongukk" she shrieked loudly gaining few glares from others, she gasped as her eyes widened by what omega told him.

"what you mean, I slept with him, go shout and tell everybody," he said irritatingly, and the way few students looked towards them, he felt embarrassed, but she didn't acknowledge anyone because she isn't able to grasp this news.

"We just shared the same bed, nothing else" he filled his plate with a fried egg and a bread-butter and took a glass of orange juice. Meanwhile, Yuna took a fried egg and a cheese sandwich with oatmeal and orange juice, some sprouts seeing her plate filled with the portion of all the dishes made him roll his eyes at the beta girl.

"ya but still you both slept beside each other," she said while her mouth was stuffed from the cheese sandwich she was munching on and complaining about the cafetiere, that how mingy he is, at least he should have put two types of cheese in a sandwich, it feels like she is just eating a simple sandwich.

After breakfast, all students divide into pairs of two or groups of three and scatters around the village for their respective projects. Taehyung and Yuna team up together and pack their stuff in a small backpack.

Law students have to do research and write a memorandum on their research, business students will be encouraging people to expand their business and help them to manage them while science students will explore new ideas for energy consumption and generation, art students will be learning and making the local handicrafts and learn about the history of local artistic items.

Both the male omega and the beta girl were doing their research, reading about the laws which especially is made for this village, because every village and medium packs have some of its laws and rules to lead packs properly and to solve daily matters and several other issues.

In their strolling, they reached around the secluded side of the village, with fewer households here and there, which taehyung realized because he heard a cry--cries of a woman and a child, but he shrugged it thinking that he must have heard wrong, after going further near to the houses, he can hear the cries and some yellings.

"Yuna did you hear that," he asked wanted to confirm that he isn't the only one getting these sounds.

-"What? " she answered cluelessly.

-"Yuna, focus and listen to someone who is crying or yelling".

She concentrated on her environment and closed her eyes, trying to listen to the sounds omega is been speaking of, now that taehyung mentioned she is also able to hear the sounds of the yelling and crying. She squinted her eyes to see from which direction the sound was coming from.

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