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Hey sprees ✨ i hope you will enjoy the chapter
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"Last but not least we have to see the library, come on" with a hint of happiness in the voice of the omega.

"Bring me my jacket to the library ", he mind linked one of the guards.

Jeongukk was still walking near Taehyung now it's getting a little more awkward than before, to change his mind from the proximity, tae decided to talk with jeongukk.

" jeongukk-ssi can I ask you something" he spoke softly to the ravenette.

Jeongukk nodded, wasn't expecting taehyung to start a conversation between the two.

"So what's your age, and in which major you are?" The voice held a little bit of curiosity.

"Just turned 19 a month ago, business management" raven-haired alpha replied in his deep tone.

Then it hit taehyung what he said earlier about the students of the same major, that's why he heard alpha murmuring something.

"G--Good" tae spoke hinting at the again awkwardness between them.

Meanwhile, the librarian called Yuna to herself so she had to go leaving tae and jeongukk alone.

Then taehyung's decided to walk in a different section of the library to get rid of the proximity between him and jeongukk.

"What the hell he is doing??, walking so close to me, and am I trying to keep the conversation with him seriously?? He murmured under his breath while strolling mindlessly in the library.

Tae thinks he is not a talkative person, but at least he is a polite person so he reasons out his conversations with alpha based on his polite behavior.

As he was passing through the last section of the library when suddenly he feels a harsh grip on his wrist and next he finds himself pushed to the wall.

It happened so quickly as he was caught off guard that he instantly placed his hand on something hard to keep his balance.

Wait...wait something hard as he opens his eyes slowly, he saw his hand placed on a chest.  Yes--the chest - - What!!! The chest!!

he slowly removes his gaze from his hand and lifts it upwards only to meet the gaze of onyx eyes hard and cold staring at his soft confused hazel eyes.

He finds jeongukk standing so close to him his hands still gripping the omega's wrist tightly but not that much to leave any bruises.

Taehyung wriggles his wrist in jeongukk's hand trying to free from this hold and his eyes are no longer soft and confuse, they have anger in them.

" what the hell you are doing jeongukk-ssi "tae hissed at him through his gritted teeths, they are in library ofcourse he cannot shout here.

" And what do you think i am doing " Jeongukk inched closer to the omega's face.

he was amused that unlike others taehyung has the courage to see in his eyes and speak in front of the alpha.

"Jeongukk-ssi you are stepping in my personal bubble" he whispered firmly face showing clear annoyance.

Jeongukk inched a little more close to taehyung that they could smell each others scent. Taehyung noticed that unlike other alphas scent which is normally tobacco, musk and wood with a sharp smell of pine trees and he really is disgusted by the alphas smell.

Jeongukk doesn't smell like that, he sweet cherry and sparkling red wine enveloped in a dark cloud of bitter coffee and charcoal,  with base tone of something like some freshly brewed Espresso, there is some bitterness that alpha is hiding with in himself , but it is perfectly balanced out by candied cherry and sparkling red wine .

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