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Eyes snapped open, taehyung see outside of his window it was still dark and switched on the table lamp for light source in the room.

He grabs his phone from nightstand to see the time.
4:45 A. M.

A small smile formed on his lips today he was able to wake up before his alarm. He always set his alarm for 5 in the morning.


Answer is simple.... For studying.

Taehyung a male omega who is studious and doing graduation in law. He is very diligent, committed towards his goal.

"hey son" a woman in her fifties asked softly to a 10 year old boy who was sitting in the shade of tree with books in his hand.

The said boy looked to the old woman stood up and bowed his head looked up with a smiling face and said "hello grandma".

The woman nodded and further asked the boy "son, what is your name? And who are you?

The boy smiled" I am kim taehyung " and a male omega. He sighed.

The smile from woman 's face faltered. Due to old age she was not able to smell ranks of wolves.

Nonetheless she smiled at innocent boy in front of her who was indulged in his books. She sat down beside the boy and asked him "do you like reading? What you want to do in your life?".

The boy closed his book and looked at the grandma beside him and replied "Yes! I love reading.. in his sweet deep voice.

Eyes blinding into crescent shape a beautiful boxy smile adorning his lips.

" I want to become a successful LAWYER. To help the omega get their rights and dignity to live peacefully and respectfully in this society".

His voice soft and eyes shining in clear determination.

It would be a understatement but the woman was shocked seeing the beautiful boy whose has a goal which is impossible to achieve!!! because he is male omega.

Yet she could not miss the eyes which are clearly shining in determination, commitment this boy possess.

"I wish and pray to god that he will bless this child with all the strength and willpower." As he aimed to achieve something very big which requires hard work, patience, sacrifices. She thought to herself.

It is not easy to change the practices and mind set of peoples which are molded from long times of their lives, watching through all the years.

And that by a omega that too a male omega those who are considered as sinners in past life facing the consequences of their sin in present life as a male omega.

He wants to change that...?!

"son god bless you", she said softly to the boy who was back again engrossed in his book.

His one and only goal in his life to become successful lawyer. Not because he is an ambitious person but because he wants to make society a better place for omegas to live with respect and dignity.

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