Chapter 21

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The sleepy raven-haired male groaned as his eyes fluttered open, behind the blind fold , the cloth irritating his eyelashes--the dim light flitering from the cloth, enough to tell him that its already morning. with two tugs at the knot behind his head ,he removes the blindfold throwing somewhere on his side, his eyes fluttering and adjusting in the light, he groaned lowly , rubbing his eyes with his big fists, he got up and stretched his limbs moaning at the sweet pain , his muscles were stiff from remaining in the same position for long hours, he stood their unbothered by his nakedness, by judging from the brightness outside the window, it must be around six and half hour or most probably around seven o'clock.

jeongukk is sure they slept almost at three in the morning , so he got to sleep for three to four hours maximum, because he remembers falling asleep not so long ago, the raven-haired sighed and took a quick glimpse of a small lump beside his side , sleeping under the duvet.

Taehyung's body was properly covered with soft white duvet sheets , sleeping on his stomach , the only thing that could be seen was a mop of soft luscious hair and naked shoulders slightly peeking out of duvet , and two pink feet peeking out .

he quickly made his way  towards his bags , and fetching out a fresh towel ,he strode his way to bathroom softly locking the door , the first thing he did is to look at himself, his stared at his own reflection, his ebony locks into a messy bed hair--his dried lips--and the area under and around his eyes turned red keeping them blindfolded for too long, he sighed .

the ravenhead saw the omega's previous night clothes piled up on the floor , exactly under the shower, he bend down and took the semi dried clothes and tossed them to laundry bucket, the faint smell of lavender lingering on them, he turned on the shower , and hissed when the first drops of cold water splattered on him, jeongukk looked down at  him , he grimanced  feeling his lower half sticky from omega's slick and cum , and frowned when he saw the tints of red around his crotch area , there sticked some dried blood mixed with cum, his eyes widened . 

was taehyung virgin ?

nah, may be because of hard  and rough sex!!

but he couldn't convince himself at the stupid reason, because sure taehyung' s movements were fast and deep , but they weren't hard at least not in his point of view. dread filled him , just the guilt he was trying to run away from, came back tenfold drowning him .

did he simply took omega's virginty ?!

"shit" he muttered under his breath and closed his eyes shut tightly, slamming his fist on the wall harshly , feeling the buzz from the hard hitting, the water kept sliding on his hair ,to his body driping down , he exhaled and inhaled , puffing the breath in and out with water sprinkling from his chapped pink lips.

"if only i had controlled myself , i wouldn't be drowned in the weight of this unnecessary guilt" grumbling under his breath--his chest tightened , when  events of last night flashed behind his closed eyes as scenes of some black and white film. the incident with those wolves--then the omega caught up in his heat--the alluring Taehyung.

and , then sex, what is to be called that happened between them?

a one night stand


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