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Again a filler chapter *pouts sadly but things will get better and interesting from now

Tomorrow will be the day--day of annual tour, and is safe to say the environment of university is energetic and cheerful, from each major 25 students had been selected i.e. around 100 students , and the 4 students selected as leaders to lead respective group of students according to the major.

lee has already made the arrangements ,regarding the where students will go , the food ,the shelter ,but he still haven't heard from taehyung and is worried about him , but its not like he will force the omega or something, if the said omega doesn't want to go, or join any activities is fine , but he won't be able to secure first to third position ,because it will be unfair to those students , who will work hard for the theoretical as well as practical project.

As for Yuna , she was packing her clothes, it is four days three nights tour , so she was hella confused ,what she will wear in daytime and what in nighttime . taehyung had gone for lunch in cafeteria , it was weekend as there was no lectures in university today , and students were preparing for annual activities too, so it was kind of holiday for everyone except for staff.

"oh my god, am i in zoo?? or our room has been taken by storm" taehyung gasped dramatically as he saw both of the beds were covered with the beta's clothes , and many were scattered on the floor.

"Yuna where are you, i can't see you, don't tell me you collapsed under pile of clothes" taehyung teased the beta, who was glaring at the omega as she was standing right in front of his eyes.

she snorted at this unfunny attempt made by the omega, "hahaha very funny "she mimicked the omega 's tone , who pouted at her ,he found it funny so much.

"tae , don't stand here make yourself useful and help me to choose my clothes" she pleaded.

" I don't have any clothes what will i do now, there's no time for shopping" she whined loudly
making taehyung roll his eyes.

taehyung scoffed at her , mumbling no clothes when he can clearly see their room flooded with clothes, he wonders how she managed to keep these much clothes in this little space and still whining .

[A/N: jeez these girls whining about clothes!!!, *sighs * but i myself can relate this, *sheepish smile*]

so he start picking clothes from floor and from his bed , then sit on the side of the bed folding each clothes and piling them properly. while the beta was pacing around her room cursing everyone in the world , that she don't have clothes , so she thinks about her makeup first , so she arranged makeup kit , thanking that it was little easier to tackle.

[A/N: i swear to good the most boring thing is to do laundry and after that folding them when they are dried , who else thinks that]

after arranging her makeup and shoes , she sat beside taehyung who was done with folding clothes , sighing and placing her head on his lap ,who adjusted her head properly combing her hair softly with his long dainty fingers , which made the girl sighed and closed her eyes.

"still , i haven't packed my clothes" yuna spoked softly with a pout on her face. taehyung sighs and decided to help his friend, so he looked at the piles of clothes in front of him and knowing that beta likes to dressup a little stylish but comfort is also necessary , pushing her head gently from his lap , he placed a pillow under her head as she fell asleep.

so he paired two crop tops with ripped jeans , while a basic white tee and black tee with two pair of jeans shorts , these can be easily go well with sneakers and thigh long boots respectively ,and two floral dress if she wishes to wear and a bodycon black dress which will be for evening events, a pair of ankle-length boots , a stiletto heels and her night pajama suit and crocs.

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