Ch. 4

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His eyes lowered over a thick book with a black cover, Title in a classy font. The type of old fashioned book you'd find in a royal library in a beautiful fantasy love story. He picked the book up and looked over it, thinking 'why not' as he met up with you. You both sat down next to each other and spent the evening at the library. it was peaceful, the sound of rain made the environment all the more meditative. While you read next to Tamaki, you could feel his blue orbs following yours as you read the lines of the book. 

It made you feel nostalgic, you remembered when you'd bring him to the library whenever he was in a negative state. 

"Interesting looking book, what's it about?" You catch him off guard, his gaze snaps back to his page. "U-Um, I've just started it, so...I haven't completely g-gotten the gist of the plot" He explains in a low tone. "Hm, you'll have to tell me about it once you get through a couple of chapters" You smile, Tamaki's eyes dart from your face back to his page multiple times, nodding then gazing outside. 

"It's getting late" He mutters. "Yeah, we better not stay too long," You say as you climb out of the seat to check-out your books. Tamaki watches you as you check-out the books, he does the same after. 

Walking out, Tamaki pulls out his umbrella from his bag and holds it over the both of you. Having him close to you, you could feel his warmth and could smell his cologne. 

While walking through the rain, both of you were silent the whole time. 

Reaching your home, You wave Tamaki good-bye and head inside.

"It's late" you hear your mother say bluntly, crossed arms at the doorway of the living room with a stern glare. "I was at the library with Tamaki, you remember him right?" You explain. "Mhm, is he your boyfriend?" She asks, raising a brow. "What? No, just because I have a male friend doesn't mean he's suddenly my boyfriend" You say. "Calm down, how was I supposed to know? when I hear you spent the evening out with him at the library, of course, I'm going to have my suspicions" She chuckles. 

"Dinner is on the table, make sure you get an early night as well. I heard you've got big things planned at school soon so I don't want you to complain that your tired and had to get up earlier" She sighs. 

"I know he works long hours, but is dad coming home tonight earlier than usual?" You ask. "Don't know, don't care" She quickly brushes it off. You knew your mother and father weren't in the best place at the moment, but you were hoping it'd be sorted soon.

You drop the subject to not start anything, and head in the kitchen to eat.

Finishing your dinner, you head upstairs and take a quick shower. It was refreshing after walking through the cold air before. Getting changed, You relaxed on your bed while scrolling through social media and casually texting some friends.

While texting someone, you get a text from Tamaki. Pressing on the notification, it opens to the messages.

Tamaki - 'Don't listen to whatever Nejire is saying, she's just upset with me from the incident today'

The text baffled you, what was he talking about? You scrolled through the recent texts you had with Nejire, realizing what he talking about. Through some texts, Nejire mentioned Tamaki multiple times. And not in a positive way either. You could tell some of them were a little petty, but you couldn't blame her for being annoyed.

Y/N: Yeah, I saw. They weren't too bad though, she's just annoyed. She'll forget about it by tomorrow, she doesn't hold grudges so don't worry about her

Tamaki: I never really have so I'll be good at that

Y/N: Kinda mean, coming from you

Tamaki: She's just been getting on my nerves lately tbh

Y/N: Lately? like how recent?

Tamaki: Around when you came back I think

Y/N: Idk, kinda sounds like jealousy to me

Tamaki: Wdym? What's there to be jealous of

Y/N: someones getting defensive, well you know, we spend more time together, we have sleepovers, we talk about things even you wouldn't know about, maybe your just jealous that I have a closer friendship with her than you

Tamaki: No, you don't

Y/N: Wdym?

Tamaki: first of all, the things you talk about with her that according to you, 'even I wouldn't know about', sorry to burst your bubble but its easy to figure out what you're talking about. second, the only thing you do at those sleepovers is wish for her to go to sleep because she's too talkative. third, I've known you since the 3rd grade. She's only known you for barely a couple of weeks. Doesn't really sound like a close friendship to me.

Y/N: Shut up, don't tell her I told you she was too talkative

Tamaki: fine. besides, it's getting late. try to get a decently early night like your mom said, goodnight.

Your heart dropped, reading the last text. You didn't know what to text, you got tense and paranoid. How did he know?! No, he couldn't have possibly heard the conversation. You watched him walk away after you went inside, something wasn't right. Wait, how'd he know about Nejire's texts?

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon