Ch. 6

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Throughout the day, the feeling in your stomach never left. So much has happened to you, but to Nejire as well. She didn't exactly tell you everything, not wanting to put any worry on you. She'd been getting stalked, she was sure it wasn't an obsessed crush or anything. As each day passed, it got worse.

"Tamaki-!! valentines day is coming up, you excited?" You tap him, smiling. "No," He says bluntly. At least he was honest. "Why not? you did say you 'kind of' had a crush, so why don't you ask them out on valentines day?" You suggest. "I said k-kind of, I don't really have a crush" He explains. "Oh, well what do you plan on doing?" You ask. "I'll just stay h-home, valentines d-day isn't that important..." He mumbles. "Oh cmon Tamaki! Let's spend the day together, it'd be better than cooping yourself up in your room!" You say happily. Tamaki's cheeks burn rosy, feeling himself grow strangely excited. "O-Ok..." He says quietly, avoiding eye contact.

The days surprisingly flew by fast, Tamaki was going to pick you up at your house and spend the day together. Getting ready early, you styled your hair simply and picked out a F/C, V-neck flare dress. Putting on some low-ankle strap heels, you put on a matching cardigan over since it was a little chilly.

after a little while, you heard a knock at the door. Heading downstairs, you opened the door to be greeted by Tamaki in a black turtleneck and beige coat. "How fancy" You giggle. "I-Is it too much?" Tamaki asks. "No, you look amazing" You smile. Tamaki hands you a couple of roses, turning away a little. "You didn't have to get me anything!" You take them from him, admiring their passionate red petals. "I-I know it's unoriginal, but-" "No, I love it" You quickly head inside, filling a vase with water and placing them inside.

"Ok, let's go!" You head back to Tamaki, closing the door behind both of you as you leave.  You didn't have any plans on going anywhere overly special, just around the area.

While walking, Tamaki's gaze focused on you. The shine from the sun on your hair, the glisten on your lips. Things he couldn't get enough of, he was simply in denial.

Small-talk was the only thing you two could muster, the streets were speckled with people passing across the streets. Reaching the park, you both walk, Tamaki's hand brushes against your's as you both walk, withdrawing instantly. "Sorry" He mutters, keeping his hand now close to himself. "No need to apologise, here" You grab his hand, holding it as it swings slightly. His hand had a slight tremble and was extremely tense. 

After a while, you noticed his hand was loose and only gripped gently now. You didn't want to say anything, quite enjoying the feeling as it was. Saying anything could completely change the atmosphere. You watched Tamaki's soft gaze wander around his surroundings, blinking slowly with the corners of his lips slightly curving in a smile. It was the first time in a while you've seen him this calm, he's usually tense and on edge 24/7. 

Sitting down together, your conversations were simplistic and kept minimal, enjoying the calm environment together.  "It's nice" You begin. Tamaki turned, eyes showing he was listening. "There's so much going on, I feel all this stress just got dumped on me at once so finally sitting down in a place like this is kind of relieving, especially with someone who has a calm atmosphere like you" You explain, noticing the shift in Tamaki's posture.

"Stress..? from what?" He asks. "School's been kinda stressful lately, My mother's been getting more stern, Nejire's been having some problems, that sort of stuff" You sigh. "I see...well I hope things s-settle down for you" He gives you a short smile. 

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now