Ch. 2

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"I haven't seen you in so long! you still have such a bright smile" you chuckle, giving him a welcoming type of hug. Tamaki peered from across the room, eyes watching intently as he grew uncomfortable by the sight of you embracing someone else. 'No, stop being stupid. it's just a hug, stop being so petty' Tamaki forced the feeling away, denying it. You feel a pair of eyes watching you once more, you turn a little to lock eyes on Tamaki once more. His gaze makes your spine shiver uncomfortably, what was with him? "I'll be back," you say before walking up to Tamaki. Tamaki snaps out of his thoughts, seeing your figure grow closer to him. He steps back a little, avoiding your gaze.

"You remember me right?" You ask, brushing off the awkward stare from before. Tamaki's eyes switch from you and random objects around the room quickly in nervousness. He gives you a little nod, keeping quiet. You giggle a little, "Just like when you were younger, your still so shy" Hearing your giggle was a blessing to his ears, seeing your smile made him feel warm and comforted. The closer you leaned towards him, the further he leaned back against the table he was leaning against. "You haven't changed a bit, the messy dark blue hair, the pointy ears, Your just taller and more built, not that I'm complaining of course" you blush and giggle. "What a-are you trying t-to say..." He mumbled, cheeks tinting pink. "Nothing~" you tease, touching his arm a little. Your touch sent tingles through his body, he didn't understand why or how but he wasn't complaining. He liked the feeling, it lingered a little as you let go, like leaving a mark on something and watching it slowly fade away. Tamaki felt at that moment he didn't want that.

"You're haven't changed either..." Tamaki said under his breath in a sense of relief, he never wanted you to change from how you used to be with him, your kindness, Tamaki remembers it so distinctively. ever since childhood. "I have standards, changing for others should be only for the ones who deserve it, I wouldn't change for anyone but for someone who needed me to change for them, for the people I love" You smile. Tamaki was relieved, you never changed. You were happy too, Tamaki never changed either. At least that's what you thought.


The day passed quickly, you were introduced to so many people and caught up with Tamaki and Mirio. The teachers welcomed you well, the students treated you even better, it seemed nice. at first.


Sliding the classroom door open a little, you peer in. The bronze sun shined through the large windows into the empty classroom, everyone had left. It was near-silent, the only sound that could be heard was his empty sobbing. You gaze around, seeing a young boy. He was in your class, at least you were sure of it. he wasn't very talkative, he was quiet and meek for his age, usually, his age group was outgoing and hyperactive, he was shy and timid. You could hear how he was trying to silence his crying, often a sign of 'not wanting to bother others with my feelings' complex. It's not a healthy complex to live off of, but he was always the type. You felt sympathy, you always wanted to talk to him but any time you got the chance to something ruined it. walking up to him, you slid down the wall and sat next to him, staying silent. He slowly lifted his head, wiping his tears and gazing at you. His legs and arms were bruised and his hair was messier than usual. "I can leave if you want me too," you say in a calm tone with an assuring gentle smile. He quickly shook his head, he needed to be comforted and just having you there was enough. "We don't need to even speak, if me just sitting here with you is enough then I'm happy to stay," you say before shuffling to get comfortable. For the next hour, you sit there in silence with him, he finally felt like someone actually cared for him.


Your eyes snapped open to your alarm, cracked and red. Moving the hair out of your face, you turn off the alarm and pull your tired body out of bed. "Y/N cmon, get up" your mum yells from downstairs. "I am!" you yell back. You hear her stomps up the stairs, regretting yelling. She throws the door open with a serious gaze. "I do everything to take care of you, I feed you, give you clothes and a roof over your head, Some respect back would be appreciated," She said in an assertive tone. "Sorry, I'm just tired" You sigh, pulling your drawers open and grabbing your uniform. "Let me guess, you were on your phone all night?" She crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow. "No, just had a hard time sleeping last night" you explain, she nods and closes the door.

You couldn't blame her for her stern attitude, she was a single mother having to take care of a teenager. Your dad was never really there, he wasn't a bad person but was never really seen as the father type and had many disagreements with your mother. She used to be very outgoing and carefree, but now shes strict and gets stressed easily so the best you could do was help her when she needed it.

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now