Ch. 18

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A wave of relief fell through you, you had high hopes now for whatever would come later. 

Within the hour, the police drove both of you to a close station to interrogate the situation. As you both sat, you felt Tamaki's eyes glare through your body.  You refused to make eye contact with him, even still it sent shivers down your spine. Even still, you knew he couldn't try anything. 

The police spoke privately for a little but finally started talking to you two. "I got the gist of it, but we'd like more details." He sat against a table, arms crossed. "He's a psycho, he's been forcing me to be with him for the past month or so" You mumbled, feeling his eyes glare deep into your soul. "uh-huh," He says in a deep tone, facing Tamaki. "I'm psychotic? You're the one accusing me of forcing you to be with me, you can't be that up yourself, can you?" His eyebrows furrow. "What, No! you killed my best friend and your own mother!" You scream in anger. 

"Hey hey calm down, can you illuminate on that part?" He quickly asks, eyebrow raised. "That was a joke, did you really take that seriously?!"Tamaki shouts. "He did! I saw!" You pointed at Tamaki. "You must be delusional if you think I'd actually try and kill anyone, seriously" Tamaki laughs.

"Listen, I think we have to talk to you both separately" The officer sighs. You were so mad, they barely believed you. You still had to convince them though, no matter what. 

Following one of the officers, they took you to separate rooms and started asking questions. You answered all of them as honestly and with all the detail you could, but you still worried about what Tamaki was saying. 

He pulls out a pen and a clipboard, then points up to the corner of the room. "I'll be documenting every answer, the camera will also keep this footage of what you say" He gives you a serious gaze. 

"So first I'll be asking the basics, then we'll get into detail" He sighs. "by what you said over the phone and other details, Tamaki killed the girl at UA that went missing and his own mother? can you add any details leading up to this event and so on?" He asks. "I was staying at his house for a week because of her disappearance, He told me the day before not to go into his bathroom because of maintenance. I forgot about it the next night and saw the bodies in his bathtub. They were still decomposing, the room smelled like chemicals" You explain. The silence passes by him finishing his writing. 

"What about what lead after," He asks. "I think he heard me get up and found out I saw what happened, and started admitting all this stuff about him 'being in the way of us' and how he loved me. I tried to leave but he fought, He ended up locking me in his house and tried to make me move somewhere else with him. I ended up escaping and now where here" You finish. 

"I see" He doesn't look up from his clipboard as he writes. "Now with the girl, was there any hint of a grudge, or a hate towards her?" He continues. "sometimes he'd say stuff that made me think he did, but I figured he just got annoyed by her sometimes" You shrug. "Now what I'm confused about is his mother, you claim that she was murdered by Tamaki, right?" He asks. "Yes, I saw her body" You assure him. He looked conflicted, but got up and sighed. 

He ushered for you to follow him out, where you meet eyes with Tamaki's again. The officer gets you to sit back down, the officers talk quietly amongst themselves then turn back to both of you. 

"Y/N, you know your mother's phone number, right?" One of them asks. You nod, the officers passing glances. "One of us suggested something, could you call your mother?" He asks. You agree even though you didn't know what they were on about. One of them pass their phone to you, you begin dialling her number and wait for her to pick up.

"Who is this?" Your mother asks. "Hi mum," You say. "Oh, Y/N. I'm surprised you made the time to call me" She exclaims. "Huh? what do you mean?" You ask. "I've been told you've been having a lot of fun with Tamaki at his house" She explains. "Who told you that?" You ask, confused. "Tamaki's mother, she left a voice message for me assuring that she came back early and you were doing great" She finishes. Your heart drops, cold sweat droplets form on your face. 

How? you saw her body, you knew she was dead. From the corner of your eye, you could see Tamaki's smile. It made your blood boil.

"I have to go" You hang up, passing the phone back to the policeman. "Well, I think we're done here" the officer mutters. "No I swear, I saw her body, she was dead" You were shaking in the seat, mad and confused. "you were probably just tired, hallucinating or something. Please don't waste our time again" He rolls his eyes. 

"Yes, let's go" You see Tamaki get up and yank your wrist. He drags you out of the police station and down the street, gripping your wrist tightly. 

"If you ever pull something like that again, I won't hesitate to hurt you or anyone you care about. do you realise what trouble you could've caused?! Don't you dare, ever, for the rest of your life, think of doing something like that. I don't care what I have to do to get it through your head, but trust me, pull something like that again and you won't live to see another day" He growls, making your gut sink. 

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now