Ch. 7

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"Besides, Why i-is Nejire so stressed as well..?" Tamaki mumbles, shifting more. "Oh, She'd just been getting a lot of creepy texts and such" You explain. Tamaki's gaze moves from you to the side, he looked like he was stuck in his thoughts. "Are you alright?" You ask. Tamaki nods, you noticed his furrowed eyebrows.

Tamaki gets up, you follow behind him. He stayed silent most of the time, it was obvious his mood changed completely, he tried his best to hide it.

You both stop at a cafe and sit down with some drinks, laughing as you chat. It was when you realised your bad gut feeling never left that you felt a little unsettled. Maybe it was about Nejire's problem, who knew.

"I'm surprised, you know I heard a lot of the girls think you're cute, some were even planning on asking you out today" You giggle, watching his cheeks glow red as he sips his drink. "N-No...they were probably just g-going to embarrass me" He quickly stutters as he sinks into his seat.

"I don't blame them, but I guess I was just quick enough to get to you first" You tease. Tamaki mumbles something under his breath, avoiding your gaze. "What was that?" You ask. "N-Nothing," He says quickly. "Alright, Keep your secrets" You sigh jokingly as you finish your drink.

"Well, It's been super lovely but it's getting late-" "Wait" Tamaki quickly grabs your wrist as you get up. "Hm?" You turn. "I-I...Let me...Let me take you out, t-to dinner" His hand was trembling as it held onto your wrist, he didn't dare make eye contact with you.

"Dinner? Really?" You feel your cheeks burn, feeling genuinely flattered. He simply nods, letting go of your wrist. "I'd love that, thank you..!" You give him a hug, his heart raced uncontrollably. "I expected you t-to say no" He laughs nervously.

"Really? What made you think that?" You ask as you both leave. "Well...I guess I'm just used to it" He mutters. "I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have to have a mindset like that" You comfort him. "I'll quickly text my mum to let her know I'll be a little late" You pull out your phone, opening your messages. 

Y/N: Hey, I'm going to be a little late tonight. I'm going out for dinner

Mum: Aren't you out with that Tamaki boy?

Y/N: Yeah

Mum: I see, don't come back too late

Y/N: Alright, I love you

Mum: Love you too

"She's fine with me staying out for a little, I just can't come back too late" You sigh. "That's fine" Tamaki assures. 

As you walk, Tamaki stops in front of a large restaurant. You follow him inside, feeling the warm temperature change and the rich smell of food hit you. The background chatter from the tables and the soft classical music being played was strangely comforting.

Tamaki finished talking to one of the staff, they lead you to a table and you both sat down. "This is really nice" You smile. "I'm happy you like it" Tamaki gives you a shy smile.

After ordering your food and chatting, Your phone begins buzzing. Taking it out of your pocket, it was Nejire calling you. "Who is it" Tamaki asks. "Nejire" You contemplate responding to it.

"Don't answer it" Tamaki says in a serious tone.

"Huh? why?" You ask, a little surprised by Tamaki's sudden change in tone. "Because she's just going to be a bother" He huffs. "But-" Tamaki snatches your phone out of your hand, turning your phone on silent and ending the call.

"Why've you been so rude to Nejire lately?! And don't think I haven't noticed because I have" You take your phone, shoving it in your pocket. "She's just been a problem" He mutters. "That gives you no right to just be blatantly mean to her, if she's really annoying you just ignore her" You sigh.

You didn't want to let something like that ruin your whole day, you decided to look past it. Just for the meantime, at least.

The night continues, you sip your water, putting the glass down. "Try this" You pick some food up on your fork. "uh, o-okay" you reach the fork over, Tamaki takes a bite from your fork and swallows. "It's good" He blushes a little. "I know right" You chuckle.

Tamaki reaches his fork over, offering you some from his plate. You accept at try some, savouring the taste and smiling. "Yours is good too" You swallow and giggle. Tamaki blushes more, sipping his water.

You finish your food and head out, feeling the cool breeze against your cheek. The walk back home wasn't too long, and you got back at a reasonable time.

"Thank you for today" You smile, stopping in front of your door. "It w-wasn't even my idea, I should be thanking y-you" He chuckles a little. "I'll see you at school" Tamaki mumbles as he turns to leave. You quickly grab his hand, as he turns you give him a peck on the cheek and a smile. "Have a good night" You wave as his cheeks get rosy.

"U-Uh, yeah...goodnight" He struggles to speak. You unlock the door and head in, closing it behind you. Walking inside, you take your shoes and cardigan off.

"I'm back," You say, expecting your mothers usual 'welcome back'. Silence followed, you walk inside the kitchen and see your mother sitting down at the table with someone else.

"Oh, hi dad..."You mumble.

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now