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"It's been so long, she doesn't even look at m-me these days..." Tamaki's face shifted nervously. "I get that, but cmon! I remember you guys used to hold hands and make flower crowns together, oh! remember the field trip to the zoo where you too sat together in the butterfly house? I still have a photo of that somewhere!" Mirio beams as he feels a sense of nostalgia. "T-thats so embarrassing..." Tamaki averts his gaze.

 "Embarrassing but cute!" He chuckles. "Well when and if you talk to her, ask her what happened and why you guys stopped talking. Where still friends after the years, so I don't understand why you guys aren't" Mirio thinks, heading off to class early.

'It's been such a long time, she probably won't recognize me... I'm so nervous, but I'm probably not as nervous as her. To have to go into a whole new environment, especially U.A, that's scary' Tamaki thinks to himself while closing his locker and walking up to his class.


"Alright! settle down already! why does it take you all so long to sit and be quiet! thank you, now please everyone be on your best behavior. I want you all to be respectful to our new hero in training, she'll be joining us for the rest of the time here" Midnight shushes the hyper-active class, they finally settle down by their curiosity.

Opening the door, you let yourself into the new classroom. Everybody's eyes were on you, this gave you mixed feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Tamaki couldn't take his eyes off you for a second. Not one.

'How much have you changed...?'

'Are you sure your her?'

'No, that's you. Those eyes, I remember those eyes. That hair, I can't forget it.'

'your voice'

'your smile'


You take a quick glance at the class, everybody's eyes on you. Your eyes catch on a familiar pare, sharp and indigo. Tamaki's, you could remember those easily. It made you really joyful to see how much he's grown, he's so much taller than the last time you saw him. your eyes follow his as you make it up to the front of the classroom. "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. I'd also like to thank everyone for welcoming me into your class and hope we can continue as friends" you give a small bow, everyone welcomes you warmly. 

Midnight points you to your assigned seat, you thank her and walk past all the sitting students and sit down in a seat behind and across from Tamaki, alongside Mirio. He gives you a light wave and a grin, you quickly recognize his smile and give him a little wave back before turning to face Midnight as she begins the lecture.

The lecture was about different types of quirks and how they got more and more complex by each generation, it was interesting to think about what type of quirks would make together. During the time you wrote down notes and drew random scribbles in your notebooks, you could feel a pair of eyes burning through the side of you. It was a little nerve-racking, but you were the new kid, it would only be natural for people to be curious of you. Brushing it off as you glance around, Your eyes lock onto Tamaki.

His eyes stared into yours for about 10 seconds, it wasn't uncomfortable...but weirdly concerning. It was like he let you inside his head for 10 seconds, just his stare strangely gave you a sick feeling. He didn't even blink, he didn't care if he was staring. Looking back at your notes, you sighed and tried to ignore the occurrence. 

The bell rang loudly, you got up and picked up your things to head to your next class. "Y/N! It's been a while!!" Mirios voice startles you a little.

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now