Ch. 14

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After dinner, you both headed out with your coats and went for a stroll through the forest-based park. Hiding around trees, Tamaki peeked his head around, greeted with your smile. 

He followed you through the park and watched you climb up a large oak tree. He joined, sitting on a thick branch near you. Your legs dangled down, with a slight swing. 

Tamaki watched intently, silent. The wind brushed the leaves, you tucked your hair to the side. 

The view crossed over the small neighbourhood, afar. "Y/N" Tamaki mumbles, glancing over. "What are you planning to do in the future, besides hero work..?" He asks, a little hesitant. You're still for a second, thinking. "I'm not really sure, Maybe find a nice person, and see how that goes" You shrug, not taking your eyes off the view. Tamaki nods a little, furrowing his brows. He didn't want you to 'find' anyone. He wanted to be with you. 

Tamaki mumbled something under his breath, you couldn't make out what it was. Turning to him, you saw how upset he looked. "Hey, what's wrong?" You ask, shuffling over. He doesn't speak, breathing out heavily. 

"It doesn't matter" He chuckles, tucking hair behind his ear. He felt sick in the stomach, it felt like there was a pit in his chest.

'Just be honest' 'tell her' 'why can't you tell her' 'I did so much' 'Why can't you see me the way I see you' 'I want you to see how much time I spent for you' 'I care too much' 'It hurts' 'I love you so much' 

His thoughts made his heart race, he tried to calm down. "Sorry for making you worried" He apologises. "No, it's okay. You know you can talk to me about anything" You smile. "Yeah, let's head back before it gets too cold" Nodding, Tamaki helps you down and you both start walking back.


After a short shower, you listen to music in Tamaki's room while chatting in bed. After a while, you doze off, Tamaki pulls the sheets over you and tucks the hair over your face behind your ear. 

Shyly, he kisses your cheek before laying down next to you, arm around you as he falls asleep. 


Groaning, you rub your eyes as you lift yourself up. Checking your phone, 4:33 am displayed brightly. You throw the sheets off you and stumble out of the bedroom, half asleep. Walking through the hall, you head to the bathroom, completely forgetting what Tamaki stated due to you being half asleep. Opening the door, you were greeted by a strong, chemical scent. You walk in a little, heart dropping when you see the decomposing bodies in the bathtub. Your eyes could barely adjust to the sight, you couldn't make a sound. 

Turning around to leave, Tamaki's dead stare locks onto you at the doorway. Struggling to speak, your heart was racing. "It wasn't easy at first, but it was worth it" He stepped into the bathroom, you instinctively step back. "I'm not going to hurt you, please don't fear me, god, I thought this might of happened if you found out. 

"Nejire" You struggle to speak, holding back tears. "Hm? yes, she was a bother, in the way, and just obnoxious" Tamaki sighed. 

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now