Ch. 16

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Your jaw left a deep, red bleeding bite mark in Tamaki's hand. He couldn't care less for the pain.

You sprinted to the door, only to be pulled back by your hair. Screaming from the pain, Tamaki shoved you down and slammed your face into the ground, knee over your back to keep you down. "I told you I can't let you leave, I don't see what's so hard to understand about that," He says through huffs. As you shove him over, your nails scratch deeply into his neck. It quickly began bleeding, Tamaki could feel his agitation grow deeper with the more force you gave. He wasn't going to put up with your behaviour. 

"Don't you dare leave" He growls, grabbing your ankle and tripping you to the ground. He climbs over you quickly, giving you no chance to escape. You were both huffing, Tamaki's eyes showed mixed emotions. Obvious madness, and sorrow. He didn't want to hurt you, you just put up a fight. "At the end of all of this, you weren't going to win, you won't know, and you never will. You don't understand, I spent so long perfecting us, and you, you just thought otherwise, you thought someone else could give you everything you wanted. Well, I'm all you need, all you'll ever have, Whether you like it, or not" He was obviously hurt, he just wanted you to give up.


The next couple of days passed, each second felt like a piece of you was getting picked off, it was always silent. You laid in his bed, Blinking slowly as you stared at the cream wall. 

"You know, we're going to have to leave soon" You heard Tamaki's voice, your eyes move up to his figure in the doorway. His neck and hand had bandages covering them, it seemed you did a decent job harming him. You stayed quiet, Tamaki watching you. "Your parents are going to expect to see you soon, but it seemed that plans have changed. We can't stay here, they put their trust in me to take care of you" He sighs. 

"Isn't this exciting though?! We're going to be living together, just the two of us" He smiles, blushing. 


He wasn't wrong, the next day or so was spent with Tamaki packing his things and deep cleaning the house. It was almost impressive how quickly he got everything ready within the time he had. 


"Before we leave, I'm just worried you might feel a little nauseous during the car ride. Take these" Tamaki passes you a pill strip. "I don't get carsick that often though," You say. "Well it's longer than you think, I'm just trying to be rational" His eyebrow perks. Sighing, you knew there wasn't any point in arguing against him. Taking one out of the strip, he passes you a bottle of water to wash it down. 

"Good" He smiles, attitude switching almost instantly. As you both walk outside to leave, Tamaki grips your wrist tightly to make sure you don't try and leave. Keeping your head down, the bright sun made it hard for you to adjust your eyes to since you've been inside for the past couple of days. 

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now