Ch. 8

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It took you a moment to process the situation, especially one like this.

Your mother broke the troubling silence by clearing her throat, sighing. "Works been slow, so I don't need to do as much overtime shifts" He states. "Oh, that's great" You give him a small smile. You understood the situation itself was a little difficult, especially for your mother. You didn't want to cause any problems, he was your father after all.

"I heard you were out" He sips his coffee, turning in his seat once more to face you. "Yeah, do you remember Tamaki?" You ask. He thinks for a moment, nodding. "I remember, you used to love going to his house every weekend for play-dates, you'd draw together at the table and all sorts, right?" You chuckle as well. "Yeah!" You laugh as well, remembering those times.

"What, is he your boyfriend now or something?" He teases. "No-! where just friends!" You assure him, flustered by the thought.

"you've got a thing for him, don't deny it" He smirks. Your mother raises an eyebrow, looking at you with a small teasing smile. "Wha- no I never said that! what makes you think I like him?" You ask.

"I can just tell" He takes another sip of his coffee. "Well it's late, get some rest" He sighs. "Alright, goodnight mum, dad" You wave, heading upstairs. "Goodnight, love you," They both say faintly.

Heading upstairs, you decide to take a quick shower to relax. Undressing in the bathroom, you brush your hair and head in the shower. As the water ran through your hair, you thought about your father's words. You never thought it was any more than a friendship, maybe you were getting too comfortable.

Something about the thought made your stomach turn, that's when you became aware of it. It was Tamaki that made you feel sick in the stomach, but why? you knew to always listen to your gut, but you just couldn't wrap your head around how he was the cause of it. You knew it wasn't love that made you feel sick, love didn't feel like that.  

Getting changed, you decided to give Nejire a call back. Dialling her, it rang for a couple of seconds, she finally picked up.

"Hey, sorry I was a little busy before, what's up?" You apologise.

"It won't stop, I keep getting the same texts," She said in a shaken tone. "Did you show the police or anything?" You ask. "Yeah, but they said it just seemed like a prank and told me to block the number" She mutters. "I'm so sorry you have to deal with it, I'll try to help you soon okay? stay safe" You assure her. "Thank you, goodnight" She hangs up.

Putting your phone down on your bedside table, you think about it for a moment. It could just be a prank, but it sounds persistent.

lying down on your bed, you throw the covers over and try to get some sleep.


Tamaki walked slowly, thinking about his situation. He had to come face to face with his feelings, he liked you. A lot. He couldn't just tell you though, your reaction would stick with him forever if he did. All he knew was Nejire was in the way, he had to figure out what to do.

Threatening her wasn't enough, he had to multi-task, hold his relationship with you and somehow get you to find interest with him while getting rid of Nejire. She was in the way. She was ruining everything.

Tamaki's anger grew uncontrollably, she was being the bother. She got in the way. He had to do something, or she'll destroy it all.

He finally got home, unlocking the door and letting himself in. Slamming the door, his mother greeted him. "Welcome back, What's wrong?" She noticed his balled fists and whitened knuckles.

He stayed silent, pushing past her and heading up to his room where he slammed the door as well. He resisted the urge to punch the wall, all he wanted to do was hurt something, or someone. He didn't care who. He wasn't going to let some girl ruin his relationship.

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now