Ch. 10

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He nods, agreeing with your idea. You both decide to watch a movie together while eating some of the cake you both made. You leaned against him, blanket over the both of you in the dim room. He was tense, his arm over you.

The movie started, he soon calmed down.

You both didn't move from your position, you both relaxed against each other. His chest moved slowly against you from his breathing, you could faintly feel his heartbeat. It was fast, pacing quickly.

This was what Tamaki wanted, to finally have some more time with you intimately. Without anyone else, No interruptions. He contemplated the idea of confessing his feelings but felt like it wasn't the right time, backing out.

He wanted to, though. He wanted you to know how it really felt, how much effort he put into all the things he's done for you.


Tamaki ends up spending the night, falling asleep on the couch together.

Waking up, you attempt to get up. Feeling the pressure of Tamaki's arm over your waist, he sensed your body moving. Waking up, he blinks a couple of times to settle his eyes.

"It's the afternoon" You point to the clock on the wall. He glances over, sighing. "I'll make some coffee" You get up, pulling the sheets off.

The sound of the kettle boiling echoes through the house, you pour water into two mugs as Tamaki sits down at the kitchen table.

You had to admit, seeing him first thing in the morning like that, with his hair messier than usual was a little charming.

Passing him a mug, you sit down at the seat in front of his and sip the coffee.

Thinking, you giggle a little. "What're you laughing at..?" He asks, confused.

"It's just...this whole scenario makes me feel like we're married or something" You explain.

His face immediately glows red, flustered. "I-I guess..." He mumbles under his breath.

"What's wrong, don't you like the idea?"

"What do y-you mean?"

"Us, married"

"Well...I don't know..."

"I guess you'd have to at least like the idea of a relationship itself or at least be committed enough"


"Would you ever get married?"


"Men who can be committed like that, I wish more of them were like that"

"I see..."

He lost himself in thought, your words stuck with him. He overthought everything you said, making sure to recognise your tone and your opinions. He knew he was able to commit, but wanted you to know that as well. But just saying that out of the blue could make him seem careless.

Knowing you liked the idea of commitment, if you two would ever get together, he wasn't going to leave. Not after a fight, nothing would get him to think otherwise.

That went for you two, if you seemed to like commitment, you should be able to stick by your words as well, which meant you weren't leaving either. Ever. 

"Tamaki? Are you alright?" You ask, worried. He snaps out of his daze, blinking a couple of times. "Y-Yeah...I was just thinking..." He mutters, a nervous smile appearing.

"You have a really nice smile, do you know that?" You notice. Your compliment makes him uncontrollably smile more, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Don't hide it, it's stunning" You giggle, his cheeks burn red.

He liked knowing you thought he was attractive, it gave him confidence. Usually, nobody could make him feel genuinely good about himself, but just you talking about your passions was enough to get him through the days.

DISCONTINUED!! - WE'RE JUST FRIENDS - Yandere T. Amajiki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now