Platform 9 3/4

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Eliza felt the ground meet her feet as she hopped through to platform 9 3/4, her red hair dancing through the breeze as she walked in the direction of the Hogwarts Express.

She was early so not many people were there yet, she was glad, she liked the peace so she could be with her thoughts for a while.

As she walked through the aisles to find some empty seats she passed a group of girls chatting.

Their thick English accents made her Scottish accent seem even stronger than usual , she liked it , not many Scottish people attended Hogwarts so it really did stick out.

She took a seat and stared out the window, the birds gliding past and leaves swimming through the sky.

Just as she started getting lost in her thoughts a familiar voice perked up.

"Hey stranger," Eliza turned around to she Dahlia grinning down at her , her smile really was gorgeous, no wonder so many people liked her.

Eliza and Dahlia had been inseparable ever since first year where they met on the Express, they were both sorted into Gryffindor by the sorting hat and they soon realised they had quite a lot in common such as their love of animals and taking pleasure in annoying Filch.

"Hello, I've missed you" Eliza replied.
"I've missed you too!"
"Well aren't you going to give me a hug?" Dahlia smirked.

Eliza stood up and felt Dahlia's arms tightly squeeze around her dainty waist, her signature sweet raspberry shampoo scent filled her nostrils as the friends reunited after not seeing each other over the Christmas holidays.

"Room for another?" A deep voice chirped in.

"Jackson!" The girls exclaimed as they pulled him into their hug.

Jackson had been friends with the girls since he joined Hogwarts in second year, his intelligence and charming good looks looks drew everyone towards him, he usually paid them no notice.

He was quite reserved, he rarely even opened up even to Dahlia and Eliza, and they were his best friends.

He was in Slytherin so they didn't see him as often as they would like to but they were still very close.

They all sat down and began discussing what they got up to during their break.

Eliza usually didn't get involved in conversations involving breaks and family as there was a lot of tension in hers due to her step father.
But that's for another time.

While she was zoning out from that conversation she started looking around at people passing by.

That was when he caught her eye.

Walking past, the corner of his mouth curling up as he was smirking at something Harry Potter had said.

Eliza couldn't take her eyes off him she had never seen the sun hit his features in this way before, the way it bounced off his shiny copper hair and created the perfect glow like a halo throughout his face when he laughed. Ron Weasley was hot and Eliza Grae was going to end up getting herself in a lot of trouble.

This chapter is quite short - I promise that they usually won't be this short 🤍

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