Burning Love

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Eliza's bedroom^^^^



"Morning mother" I croaked with a small smile as I saw her head peaking through a small opening in my door.

"Morning dear" she smiled back as she pushed the door open fully using the tray in her hands, resting on the tray was a cup of tea and a plate with two pieces of buttered toast.

She set it gently on my lap before perching herself on the edge of my bed.

"So" she said, smiling even bigger as she swung her legs back and forth while I bit into my toast.

I hummed through the mouthful as a way to tell her to continue.

"I noticed yesterday that you and Ronald are still close" she said with a slight twinkle in her eyes.

"Ron. It's Ron. He doesn't like to be called Ronald" I told her with a cheeky smile which she returned.

"But yes, we are close"

"I see" she said pursuing her lips together as she stood up.
"I'll leave you to eat your breakfast then"

She walked away, her long skirt swishing behind her as she threw me a nod before closing the door behind her.

I continued on with eating my breakfast as I looked around my room, taking in all of the reflections of light that bounced from my sun catcher onto the yellow walls.

I could never decide if I liked the look of my room or not, the bricked walls made it look cold, however somehow it was always cozy and warm. The big open window was the simply gorgeous to look out when it was raining or the sun was shining, however when the wind was bashing the greenery outside it created the most haunting of pictures.

One of my favourite parts though, a part that never changed, was never scary or caused me any concern, was the plant that sat on my dresser. Neville had gifted me it during first year after the first time Draco had been hateful towards me.

I had cherished it ever since.

It had always stayed strong and sturdy, even when I wasn't. The green was always vibrant and it radiated goodness.

I pulled on a pair of socks before giving my room one last look and then walking through to the kitchen.

Avis glared at me over the top of his newspaper from the kitchen table.

"I'm going a walk today Eliza, down past the lake, you will join me, won't you?" He said deeply.

I sucked a deep breath before nodding at him.

I knew he wasn't really asking, more telling me that I was to go a walk with him, my opinion on the matter was irrelevant to him.

"Great, you'd best go and get ready then" he nodded.

I walked back into my room and begun to pick out an outfit, I then clipped my hair back at the back of my head and grabbed my quill and a few pieces of my fanciest paper.

I stepped back out, Avis was stomping on his boots as I said goodbye to my mother.

He held the door open for me and I walked through out to the sharp air, hugging my warm coat around my body as the cold pinched my cheeks and nose until they were red.

Avis and I walked slowly around the lake, stopping every so often for him to show me something in the icy water that I had to pretend to be interested in.

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