Relentless Roommate

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After about twenty minutes I decided to go and find Eliza.

I peered into her dorm but it was empty.

I started walking to have a look outside, the stars were bright tonight she was probably engrossed in finding the Big Dipper or something.

I turned the corner when a certain individual was waiting for me.

"Hello gorgeous" Blaise smiled at me, leaning against the wall.

"Wow couldn't even stay away for a day?" I teased putting my arms around him.

"Do you want me to stay away?" He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my body.

I pressed my lips to his as I feel him move his hands up my back to my hair.

He pulled it slightly making me groan into the kiss.

"No Blaise" I mumbled pulling back " I really have to go and find Eliza right now, sorry"

I started walking off , leaving him there.

"Yeah....okay" I heard him say quietly.


The tears wouldn't stop, I felt so silly, crying over someone this much who isn't even my boyfriend.

I felt trapped, inside my own head, like I couldn't escape my own thoughts.

I decided going outside would be a good idea, maybe the fresh air would help.

I snuck around, I didn't want anyone to see me, hiding around the corners from friends who walked by laughing and lustful couples sneaking into empty classrooms.

Alexa play that should be me.


As soon as I stepped outside my damp face was struck with the nights wind.

I went into the quidditch field and lay in the middle of it just watching the stars.

When I was little I was petrified of the dark, I had a night light shaped like a Pygmy Puff, but now I am too fond of the stars to fear the darkness.

I lay there the feeling of the cold grass in between my fingers, hearing the wooden stands creaking softly with the wind.

The wind had dried my tears into my face but feeling of mascara was still there all over my cheeks.

I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the entrance.

I tried to wipe my face before looking over.

It was Jackson.

I sprung up from the ground and ran towards him and jumped into his arms.

He caught me and held me.

"It's okay sweetheart" he said stroking the back of my head.

His kindness made me cry even more but he just stayed there hugging me.

I stood back onto the ground , he had taken me some tissues and helped me to clean up my face.

"Thank you Jackson , love you" I sniffed

"Love you too" he said pulling me in for a hug.

I heard someone coming in , it was Delilah.

She put her arms out to me with a sympathetic smile.

I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't of left so quickly El, he pushed her off straight away, she kissed him" Delilah informed me

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now