The Interrupted Ball

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Mild smut- don't read if this will make you uncomfortable

AN- Oliver Wood is the same age as Fred and George in this which is why he is still in the school.


"Morning princess" I heard a deep voice whisper to me, waking me up.

I got a fright and grabbed my blanket pulled it right up to my eyes.

"Ah who the fuck is that" I said opening my eyes slightly.

A boy with messy brown hair and kind green eyes peered down at me with a soft smile.

"Jackson?" I said groggily while rubbing my eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Delilah said I could get ready for the ball with you guys today" he responded looking slightly hurt that I didn't know this.

The school had given us the whole day off today to get ready for the ball and since it was a Friday everyone would have tomorrow to sleep in, hungover.

"Okay but why are you here so early."

"It's 1pm Eliza" he stated.

"What?!" I said flying out of bed.

"Late night?" He smirked at me.

"I wish" I sighed while grabbing a towel and rushing into the bathroom for a shower.

I heard Delilah coming back from breakfast, for once she was awake before me.

She was blasting music and her and Jackson were signing.

I showered as quickly as I could.

I actually ended up getting shampoo in my eye which I'm convinced hurts more than the crucio spell.

After recovering from that I hopped out of the shower, I put my hair into a towel turban and tossed on my pink joggers and a white vest top.

I walked out of the bathroom and Jackson and Delilah were singing Pierre into a hairbrush.

"I danced in the desert in the pouring rain" Delilah sung.

"Drank with the devil and forgot my name" Jackson sung back.

Delilah pointed the hair brush at me.

"Woke with somebody when the morning came, no one there to shame me for my youth" I sung loudly into the brush.

"Cause I wouldn't be with you" we all shouted loudly while pointing at each other.

I took my hair out of the towel and put it up into a messy bun as they continued to sing.

I told them I was gonna grab some late breakfast , they waved at me but I don't think they were really listening.

I walked alone to the great hall which was a lot busier than I thought it would be.

The first delightful face I saw was Miss Parkinson, walking towards the door I'd just walked through.

I saw her, what she thought was subtly, take out her wand.

I didn't have mine with me so I was panicking a bit.

As she got closer to me she started to glare directly into my eyes.

"No wand today Grae?" She said pretending to pout.

I just looked away from her.

She drew her wand up so it was pointing at me.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now