As Friends

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AN- I've decided to make is a summer Yule Ball rather than have it at Christmas time like in the movies.
I am aware that Yule means Christmas or the Christmas season but just ignore that please ahah.


"Good morning handsome" I whispered, softly placing my hand on Blaise's cheek.

His eyes pinged open and looked at me lovingly.

"Good morning" he smiled.

I got up and stretched before grabbing a towel.

"I'm nipping for a shower, won't be long" I told him.

"Can I join you?" He smirked at me.

I chuckled and shook my head " no Zabini , Theo will be back soon"

He looked away out the window , pretending he couldn't hear me.

"Seriously Blaise" I stated before going into the bathroom and locking the door.

I pulled off my clothes and got into the shower.

Blaise had left his mint body wash in the shower from the last time he was here and it reminded me of him so I never returned it.

It was difficult hiding him when I liked him so much.

I heard the dorm door banging shut from Blaise leaving.

I was washing my wavy hair when the sound of of someone mumbling "alohomora" and then the bathroom door opening.

"What the fuck Nott? Can't you see I'm in the shower , are you wanting a look at my dick or something" I snapped at Theo.

"Well if you're offering"I heard someone laugh back in a voice that wasn't Theo's.

I peeked out behind the shower curtain.

"Blaise? I thought I heard you leave"

He started taking his top off.

"What are you doing, Theodore is going to be back here any minute" I hissed.

He completely ignored me and continued stripped off before joining me in the shower.

"Blaise are you listening to me?!" I almost yelled.

"Oh Jackson, didn't see you there, you look good" he teased, looking me up and down.

I gave him an annoyed look to which he responded with a smile.

Holding my face he kissed me.

"Stop your gurning Smith, I know you want me here" he said , washing the rest of the soap from my hair.

I relaxed a bit and kissed him back, tracing my finger down his abs.

"Joan of Arc are you in there?" I heard Theo say, knocking on the bathroom door.

Me and Blaise looked at each other startled.

"Uh yeah, just in the shower.... why?" I asked wearily.
"Also stop fucking calling me Joan of Arc"

"But shes French? I'm just gonna come in and grab my toothbrush" he responded, already opening the door that Blaise had left unlocked.

We were both taller than the curtain so you could see our heads over the top.

"Shit" I whispered pushing Blaise's head down as Theo walked in.

"Nice view from down here" Blaise whispered, squeezing my bum.

I flicked his ear and he looked up at me hurt.

"Did you say something?" Theo asked.

"Just that there was a nice view from the umm..  Hogwarts Express!" I stuttered.

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