Old Spice

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TW- brief mention of abuse
If you are suffering from abuse, please reach out for help.
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I woke up at 4am after falling asleep so early.

I looked around the room and noticed that Harry wasn't in his bed.

I flew up out of bed.

"Fuck sake Harry where did you go" I said, looking for him.

He could of gone anywhere with if the felix felicis effects were still on him.

After not seeing him around the room I went over to the door.

About to open it I start to notice the sound of heavy breathing.

Looking over I see him down the side of his bed.

A wave of relief washes over me.

I pulled him up by the arm.

"Come on mate , up you get"

"Fuck you Bellatrix" he shouted before scratching my face.

"Oww fuck Harry what was the need" I yelled as I fell back, grasping my face.

I could feel blood on the palms of my hands.

"Oh my goodness Ron I'm so sorry, I had a nightmare" he said coming over to me.

"That might scar, there was a piece of glass from the felix felicis bottle in my hand, I must of broke it when I fell out of bed"

"No wonder it hurts so much, what will I do?" I asked panicking.

"Eliza, she knows how to do some healing" Harry stated.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to her dorm.

We knocked on the door and Ivy came and answered.

"Hi Ron! Oh dear your poor face my lovey"she said putting her hand out to touch my face.

"Move you dickhead" Harry said pushing past her into the dorm.

"Uh, so rude, Ron would never" Ivy gasped as we stormed past.

"Eliza" Harry said gently putting his hand on her face.

She didn't budge.

"Eliza" I said slightly louder than Harry.

"Eliza Grae wake the fuck up" Harry said almost yelling, while grabbing a piece of her hair and yanking it.

"Ouch, Harry? Ron? What are you doing here?" She said half asleep.

"You didn't have to pull her hair Harry", I said pushing him out my way.

"Harry slashed my fucking face, can you like fix it or whatever" I asked showing her my wound.

"Oh dear you look awful" she gaped.

"Cheers Eliza , really appreciate that" I muttered.

She grabbed my hand and started walking me to the bathroom.

"Up you go" she said patting the side of the sink.

I hopped up on to it, still holding my face.

She dampened a cloth and moved my hand away carefully.

She screwed up her face at the look of it.

I felt a feeling of sickness brewing in my stomach, what if she couldn't fix it?

She must of noticed my worried expression because she smiled up at me and said "it's okay Ron, it's not even that bad"

I knew she was lying.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now