Shhhh Princess

509 14 58

Mentions of abuse
Also contains smut

Do not read if either of these things will be uncomfortable or triggering for you!!


I was woken abruptly to someone knocking on my door.

I glanced at my clock to see that it was already 12pm.

"Fuck, I've slept in" I muttered to myself while pulling my covers off and going over to the door.

"Who is it?" I called with my hand on the handle.

"It's your mother dear"I heard my mothers sweet voice reply.

As I was about to open the door I stopped myself.

"Are you alone?" I asked warily.

"Yes I'm alone" she responded so I opened the door.

She quickly came in, pulling me in for a hug, one hand on my back and then other on my head, holding me close to her.

I put my arms around her, inhaling her powdery motherly smell every time I breathed in.

"How are you feeling sweetheart" she said softly as she stepped back from the embrace, she pushed my hair behind my ears and held my face in her soft hands.

"I'm okay now mum, pretty much back to normal" I said with a smile.

As much as I loved my mother I hated going home because my stepdad(Avis) was awful, constantly telling me I was doing things wrong and making it clear he hated me and if I ever argued with him he'd threaten me, and these were not empty threats.

My mother knows what he's like but I think she's too scared to leave him so she never makes me come home when I don't want to, even though I know she misses seeing me.

"Get ready, me and Avis will wait for you outside" she told me before kissing my cheek and then leaving.

I sighed heavily before starting to put my school clothes on.

I brushed my hair up into a ponytail so it was out of my way and put on some light make up.

I dropped my wand into my pocket and braced myself to leave.

I pulled open the door and stepped out and slowly walked to the common room where my mum and Avis were sitting waiting.

I looked over as I got in and saw Ron, Harry and Hermione also sitting in the common room.

They all waved at me as I came in.

I walked over to them to quickly say hello but before I got the chance to open my mouth I was interrupted.

"Eliza, aren't you going to come and say hello to me? I haven't seen you in ages" I heard the voice boom.

I saw Ron glare at him before I turned on my heal to face Avis.

"Hello Avis" I said walking over to him.

He put his arms out and we shared a short and awkward hug which I hated every second of.

I stepped away from him, looking down at the floor with my hands behind my back.

"Is that Harry over there?" My mum asked me.

I nodded at her.

"Well, take him over to say hello" Avis bossed.

I gladly walked away from them and over to the trio.

I put my hands on the table they were sitting around and took a deep shaky breath.

Ron put his hand on top of my mine.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now