Drenched In Detention

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Eliza flopped down on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"You alright El?"

"Yep fucking fantastic" she snapped back

Delilah sat up looking at Eliza with a concerned look.

"I promise I'm okay, it's just that every Weasley in this school is a prick"
"Except maybe Ginny, she seems cool"

Delilah huffed knowing she wouldn't get anymore information out of her best friend right now.

Eliza turned over and got lost in her thoughts.

Thinking about Ron's fluffy hair and cheeky smile and how annoying those twins were.

She hadn't quite realised how long she'd been thinking until she heard Delilah softly snoring on the bed next to hers.


The next morning Eliza's first class was potions with Slughorn.

After getting her clothes and cloak on she quickly applied her makeup and some red lipstick, threw her hair up into a messy bun and was on her way.

When she was almost there she felt a hand around her wrist.

It pulled her around the corner.

"Get off of me" she said trying pry the unknown hand off of her.

She was spun around and met with the face of Fred Weasley right in front of hers.

"Hello Grae" he smirked.

"What the fuck are you doing" she said as she stepped back.

"There's a party tomorrow night in the Slytherin common room, will you be there?" he questioned her.

"I haven't heard anything about it but yes I probably will go if Delilah and Jackson are up for it"

"Perfect" George chirped in from behind her " I'll make sure Ron's there too, don't you worry gingey " he said before ruffling her hair and then both of the raced off.

Eliza just stood there for a second in bewilderment.

Looking at the time she realised she was late for potions.

She ran to class and timidly opened the door.

"Ah Miss Grae thank you for joining us" Professor Slughorn greeted her sarcastically

"Sorry Professor" she responded looking at the ground.

She looked around at the two empty seats, one next to Ron and one next to Dean.

She started making her way over to Dean who was sitting with a big grin on his face while he was talking to Seamus.

Hey Dean, how ar-"

"Wait one moment Miss Grae" Professor Slughorn interrupted, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, Professor?."

"It's to my understanding that you and Mr Weasley here don't get on , is this correct?" He asked nodding at Ron.

"Well,yes" she answered looking at Ron, seeing that he was also looking at her.

"I would like you to take the seat next to him then please Eliza, as punishment for being late and to hopefully form a new friendship maybe?" Slughorn said smiling.

Through gritted teeth she forced a smile back in response.

She might of found Ron attractive now but that didn't mean he felt the same way or that he was any less of an annoyance.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now