A Bone Crushing Hug

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Me and mum landed steadily on soft grass.

I looked around and saw that we were at the bottom of a small field, at the top of it stood the burrow.

I saw a red headed girl who could only be Ginny waving from an upstairs window before I got the chance to wave back she disappeared, I'm assuming to go down the stairs.

As I was about to start walking I saw the Weasley's owl flying shakily around with a letter which he dropped right in front of me, he then flew off and a bang could be heard as he crashed into a window.

I quickly picked up and opened the letter.

To Eliza

As I'm sure you already know I'm not very good at writing letters.... or anything really.

But I hope you are alright and I miss and love you a lot.

The sooner these holidays are over the better.

Except to revice a bone crushing hug when I next see you.

Love Ron x

I smiled and looked back up at the burrow, knowing he was just through that door comforted me immensely.

I went to face my mum but quickly realised she was half way up the field and had left mine and her bags for me to carry.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed them all, jogging to catch up with her.

"I'm not sure when I was hired as your slave mother, but I'd like to resign" I gasped.

"Goodness sorry I forget about all those" she said taking her own from me.
"You cheeky wee shit" she added, talking about my sarcastic remark.

I ignored her and kept walking as she followed behind.

I stopped right at their front door, taking a deep breath in.

"Wait" I hissed at my mums she went to knock on the door.

I quickly unplaited my hair and ran my fingers through it.

"Alright" I breathed.

I knocked gently on the door and it was almost instantly opened by Ginny.

"Ginny!" I smiled at her as she hugged me and I hugged her back.

The smell of home cooking, pine wood and a mix of different perfumes and aftershaves swarmed around me as the warmth from their home rushed towards me.

"Who's there Gin" I heard Ron shout while biting into a biscuit.

"Come and see" she replied.

He peered around the corner of the kitchen and his eyes quickly met with mine.

I looked at him as his mouth dropped at the same time as the biscuit from his hand.

"Eliza?" He said under his breath as if he didn't quite believe I was there.

I nodded as I put my arms out to him and I smiled.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt