Je T'aime

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I was laying in my bed preparing to get up after having a nap.

Delilah was out with either Draco or Fred (I couldn't keep up with the who situation) so I had the room to myself.

I heard rattling at the door handle before a tall red headed boy who could only be Fred came bursting in with Delilah wrapped around him.

The room was still in darkness , I only knew it was them because I saw a glimpse of them when they opened the door and some light peeked through.

"Do you reckon we could pull Eliza's bed over to yours to make a double bed?" I heard Fred ask between kisses.

"Yeah go on then" Delilah responded.

Fred sauntered over to my bed.

"Lumos" I heard him say before a light was shining directly into my face.

Fred jumped back "shit Eliza , I'm so sorry"

"Yeah you will be Weasley" I said storming over to the door and opening it.

"And don't touch my bed!" I shouted before slamming the door.

I took my mirror back out of my pocket to check my hair after the nap when my eye was caught by something far worse.

"Another one?" I gasped touching the second purple hickey to appear on my neck.

I looked up and saw Dean sitting on the floor studying.

"Dean" I said rushing over to him.

"Look" I spurted pointing at the purple mark.

"Do you not know where it came from either?" He asked lightly touching it.

I shook my head at him.

Harry then appeared from around the corner.

"Look Harry, she's got another mysterious hickey" Dean told him.

"You should go see Madame Pomfrey, that could be some sort of deadly disease!" Harry gasped with wide eyes.

Harry noticed my worried expression at that, "sorry"

Dean put an arm over my shoulders as me, him and Harry walked to the hospital wing.

"Ah Dean! How are you dear boy" Madame Pomfrey said as soon as we entered.

"I'm good thank you Poppy" he smiled back.

Me and Harry both looked at him with confused expressions as to how he was so close with the matron.

"Seamus blows up a lot of stuff, I'm here quite often" he informed us which made total sense.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked us.

"I keep getting hickey's appearing on my neck out of no where!" I exclaimed.

"We thought it could be some deadly disease!" Harry added.

"Right well, thank you for your input Mr Potter. Let me take a look at them" she said seeming quite annoyed.

She poked and prodded at my neck for a short while before stepping back and looking at me.

"Miss Grae, do correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe I have seen you with Mr Weasley quite often" she said looking at me with a judgey expression.

"Yes that is correct however these did not come from him" I told her.

"Well I can tell you it's not a deadly disease, just normal love bites" she said giving Harry a look.

"However I can tell you that that one" she began pointed at the newer one.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant