My Orange blob

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TW- abuse and mentions of self harm

2 weeks later


It was 2 days before Christmas, or Christmas Eve-Eve, I was sitting on my bed scribbling random drawings on my arms with my quill and ink like I often did to calm myself down.

I'd draw happy things like smiley faces and cute animals.

When I was little and having a tantrum or panicking my father would draw things on my arms to give me something to look at as a distraction and it worked very well.

Now I obviously didn't have anyone to draw them for me , so I did it myself.

It wasn't quite the same, but the flower on my arm smiling up at me did prevent some tears from needing to fall and replaced them with a small smile.

My head shot up and my smile fell when I heard raised voices at the other side of a my door.

"If she's crying again Hallie, I will not be amused" I heard Avis yell at my mother.

I wiped my teary eyes as fast as I could, my eyes stung to touch from all the crying and the salty tears nipped at a cut on my cheek.

As he burst through the door I pulled my sleeves down as quickly as I could.

Not quick enough unfortunately.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he marched over, his eyes darting between my face and my arms.

"What is on your arms? Are you hurting yourself again" he demanded making my heart ache.

"No , I promise no" I wept.

"Good, because I'm sure you remember what happened last time"

I did.

Of course I did , how could I forget.

He wouldn't let me cover up the cuts, no sleeved tops or jackets.

He told me I deserved to be publicly humiliated for my 'pathetic' actions.

Strangers would pass by me, giving me pitying looks when they saw my arms.

There were very faint scars left on my forearms, hardly noticeable, I often incorporated them in to my happy drawings.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Avis grabbed my wrist tightly in his large hand, making me jump.

He harshly pulled up my sleeve and raced his eyes across all of the drawings.

"What is this" he scoffed.

"Just.... just drawings"

I saw my mum poke her head around the door , she smiled at my sympathetically when she saw the drawings.

She was the only other person who knew that I would draw them to calm myself down and that my father was the reason I did it.

"Avis, leave her alone please, she's not doing anything" my mum pleaded.

"Keep out of it Hallie" he shouted back at her.

She flinched and stepped back on her foot.

I knew she felt guilty for not helping me.

But I also knew it wasn't her fault.

It was his and only his, I had stopped blaming my mother and myself for any of this a long time ago.

"What is that meant to be? The orange blob with a smiley face?" He spat, prodding his fat finger at one of my drawings.

It was Ron.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz