23. NYC

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Perries Pov
Me and the girls had finished our UK and Ireland tour and were spending time with family and friends. We had spent an entire week away from eachother. In reality this isn't that much however since we normally spend everyday together it felt a lot lonege. I missed my girls so much but was glad we were all going to NYC for a week starting tomorrow. I had packed my stuff and was ready to go spend time with my girls. I had recently been to the canary islands with Alex and it was absolutely amazing.

The next day
Alex's Pov
Pez's alarm went off at 3am and I knew I was going to have a hard time getting her to move. I turned off her alarm which didn't wake her up at all and gently shook her awake. She opened her eyes before stretching. She looked at me as if wondering why I woke her up.

P: Why did u wake me up
A: You are going to new York today and need to get ready to leave. You don't want to miss your flight
P: Why r u awake then
A: I'm driving you and I want to spend more time with you

Plane journey
Leigh-Anns Pov
Me and the girls were sat on the plane watching movies with eachother. It was so much fun just being ourselves and messing on with eachother. We were travelling first class and no-one knew who we were. Being famous is all good but sometimes having privacy is nice.

Arriving in NYC
Jades Pov
We had just got off the plane and were heading for our hotel rooms. Me and Jesy were sharing and Perrie and Leigh were. We would probably spend a lot of time in one room anyways but it was nice in case we all wanted more space.

JT: What do you want to do
L: How about we go shopping and eat a whole load of food
P: Sounds good
JN: Let me get changed first
L: Yeah I need to get ready
P: We'll meet back in here in about an hour
JT: see u soon

Perries Pov
Me and the girls had performed in NYC but we hadn't been here just to have fun with each other. When on tour you are very rushed going from place to place and u never really get the time to take in the world around you. I got dressed and waited for Leigh-ann who always took forever. Once she had finished putting her make-up on she was ready. He looked just amazing ad she always do and I have no idea how she does it.

When outside the hotel
Me and the girls were in the crowded streets of NYC just messing around. We were 10x less likely to be recognised here then in the uk. Although a few fans did recognise us and we took some photos with them before continuing our shopping trip.

We went into a few shops before going to a restaurant to eat. I ordered pasta and the girls all ordered similar things. It had been such a fun day and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. We stopped outside the restaurant and there was flashes everywhere.

Leigh-Anns Pov
Me and the girls were having such a good day to start our time in NYC until we walked out the restaurant. There was paps and they had realised who we were and taking so many photos. There was loads of fans trying to take photos as much as we love our fans now wasn't the time or the place. I could feel my breathing getting faster and faster and knew I was going to have a panic attack. Me and the girls just ran towards where our car was and as soon as we got in drive off. Jade had scrapes down her side off being pushed into a wall but other then that we were okay.

Back at the hotel
Jesys Pov
We were all shook after our encounter with the fans and paps. I knew we were famous all over the world however we normally didn't get as much attention in other countries. Especially America. We had a pamper party with eachother yo pass the time and calm us down. It was really fun and it relieved us of everything that had happened today.

JT: I mean at least they haven't worked out what hotel where in
L: Yeah if we were in England they would be outside.
P: I hate being famous sometimes.
JN: The paps ruinin it for me. I don't need the entire world to know what's going on in my life.
L: I suppose it comes with the job
JN: Have u ever wondered what life would be like if we didn't all meet on x-factor.
L: I've thought about it so many times and I honestly don't know where I would be. I wasn't academically gifted  so I probably wouldn't of been good at much
P: Its funny you day that. I tried so hard not to go on x-factor. I tried to get out of every audition. If my man didn't force me use might of been little mix without me
JT: That would be a weird little mix. We are all stronger as a 4 and all have our own strengths other then singing which we can all do
L: haha like imagine an interview without Jade
JT: use would just have to answer yourself.
P: We would make such a fool our of ourselves. But collecting awards wouldn't be the same without Jesy
JN: Yeah cos me me and Jade do alot of the speeches.
L: Everyone thinks use take them off me and Pez
P: They always ask questions about it  Where in reality me and Leigh just don't like doing it. Also  I'm hungry
JT: No surpise
L: I am to actually
JN: How about pizza and movie
JT: Okay sounds good.

Jades Pov
We were all sat eating pizza and watching a movie. I loved every moment I spend with these girls and I don't know what I would do without them. I kenw my life wouldnt be half as good as it is now without them. We would sometimes talk about other things we would of did however singing was the dream we had all focused on. Sometimes we needed time to just be us without the public eye on us and enjoy being our old selves.

Not one of my favourites but I still like it. x

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