31. kilmanjaro (part 2)

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Leigh-Anns Pov
It was day 8 of climbing the mountain and we only had about an hour of climbing keft. Everyone's spirits had been lifted and me and Jade were talking about the performance. It had quite a bit of dancing in it and we just hoped our legs wouldn't give way on space. We both still had altitude sickness but Jades was a lot worse then mine. I didnt relaly feel that bad and my throat and chest didnt feel tight anynore. I know both our vocals aren't going to be as strong at the global awards however if Jade is still how she is now I don't think she'll be able to sing.

Alan hour later and we had finally reached the top of one of Kilmanjaro. It was such a relief and I couldnt believe we had made it. Now we were going to begin the long journey home in hope to get rest before our performance. We were down the mountain and the air felt so much cleaner. I honestly think I was completely fine now however the air change made it harder for Jade and a couple others we we r with to breathe.

We went back to the hotel we were staying at for the night to sort out our things before leaving tomorrow. We were getting back just 1 day before the global awards and I just hoped everything went smoothly.

Jades Pov
We were at the airport and had been told our flight had a 5 hour delay this would m3an we wouldn't be getting back until the day of the awards. Me and Leigh-ann were definitely going to suffer with the peroformance. While at the airport my legs would bearley move they were so stiff from the mountain and my chest was still wheezy.

We had told Perrie and Jesy what was going on and they just told us it couldnt be helped. Once we were on the plane everything was smooth sailing and we travelled back to the UK. Me and Leigh-ann both fell asleep on the plane hoping to get some rest before performing.

Once we arrived in the UK it was already 11am so we didn't have long. The driver took us to Leighs first so she could get her stuff and then we went to mine. Finally we arrived at the arena to see Perrie and Jesy full of energy.

Perries Pov
Leigh-Ann and Jade came into the room both looking tired. Jades voice was raspy and tired when she spoke and I knew pefoforming wants going to be the best for either of them. I told them me and Jesy could just perform and put there parts o speaker but they wernt taking any of it. They rted to practise the damage and everything that was happening in the performance.

I don't get how anybody can climb a mountain and still bring the power that Jade and Leigh brought. I was shocked at how well they remembered the performance. After our mini backstage rehearsal we started to get ready for the performance. Pur fitness and family we r wall sat at a table and we would join them after we had finished the performance.

Jades Pov
I was getting my hair and makeup done next to the other girls and I kept having to reopen my eyes. I knew this performance was going to be hard but I was going to keep fighting to the end. We went on stage and I immediately saw my Mam which made me emotional since I hadn't saw her in what seems like forever.

The performance was taking all my energy out of me. My legs We r won fire from dancing but that wasn't the worst part. During the chorus my voice went directly before my verse. I look across the stage and all the girls notice that one of them will have to do it I continue dancing while Jesy and Perrie split my part in 2. We Sometimes do have to improvise on stage but I never think it is that noticeable.

After the performance we go and sit with everyone and I was so glad to rest. I didn't speak much for the rest of the night and just drank a lot of water. Over the next few days I should feel fine again. I am proud of what me and Leigh did but I don't think I would ever do that again. We told everyone about the adventure that we had been on.
P: Yeah I defo couldnt do that
JT: It was hard enough without everything u have going on

I was glad Perrie never did it beacsye her immune system wants the strongest. the altitude and sickness would take a massive toll on her. Little mix were announced the winner and we all made our way to the stage. I held Perries and Jesys hand like we normally do. however his time it felt alot nicer having my legs on fire.

I usually do alot of the speeches but since I wasn't right Jesy did it. People appreciated when I didn't always do it however sometimes that was what we were most comfortable with.

JN: Well we have a lot of people to thank. Our manager, fans and just everyone who has supported us since day 1. But the biggest people I need to say thanks to is my 3 best friends who r up here. We wouldn't have did any of this without eachother and I just want use 3 to know how grateful I am to have use. Finally can we give it up for Jade and Leigh-Ann who just got back this after from climbing Kilmanjaro. They still came and they performed like the queens they are.
Thank you and good night

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this one. xx

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