26. The worst timing

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Jades Pov
We are part way through our confetti tour. Tonight we r performing at utilita arena. This is by far my favourite place to perform because the fans are always so amazing. It's also as close to home as me and Pez get so it means alot. 

We were backstage getting ready and I was so tired. I could just climb into bed and go to sleep. This was our 5th show in a row and we all hadn't had much sleep. Inbetween each performance we were travelling to the next place so it's hard.

Our sleep schedule was never normal on tour because we would finish performances at like 11pm so by the time we got changed and calmed down after performances it was like 2am. We were then up again around 7am if we had interviews or if we had to go to another place.

Not getting another sleep was probably the worst thing about tour. As well as not seeing friends and family for months at a time. I don't think any of us could do it without each other.

JN: U alright baba
JT: Yeah just tired
JN: Me too
L: Same here
P: I'm not
JT: That's a change
P: I don't know why i have so much energy
JN: Well pass it around

We were all finished getting our hair and makeup done and were ready to go to sound check. All of our microphones were working and we now just had to get changed into our first costume. I loved our first costume but we were only doing a few songs in them before we swapped. The last 20 minutes before we go on stage is always the most stressful part. We are all warming up which sounds like a load of cats but we don't really care. There's a few last minute changes and then your waiting below the stage.

Perries Pov
We were all waiting below the stage and this is when the nerves kick in. We had been together performing for nearly 10 years yet we still got just as nervous. Heading the crowd screaming before you come on always gives you butterflies knowing you have to do your best. It also is amazing knowing how much they appreciate what you are doing. The music started playing and we rise to the stage.

Once the first song was done I could relax more. We were performing confetti next and this had some amazing choreo. It's always so fun on stage because even though we are on stage on front of thousands of people we can still laugh at eachother

We were about to do Touch and Rendezvous before our costume change. I hated wearing the next costume. It wasn't that I didn't like the costume it was the fact I knew what we were doing. I loved going above the fans and towards the back as I know how much they enjoy it but I don't like the feeling of the platform moving.

Jades Pov
We were half way through touch and it was going amazingly until I felt like I had weed myself. My face fell when I realised what it was and I knew it wouldn't be long before the entire arena knew. My period always came at the worst possible time.

And now my whole week, my whole week is golden
Can you see me glowing? That's how I feel
And I'm not afraid to fade into emotions
'Cause I know that this could be something real

Me and the girls were swapping sides of the stage. Me and Leigh were swapping with Jesy and Pez. Me and the girls had a signal we used when this happened to one of us. I showed Leigh and she immediately knew so when we walked past the other 2 Leigh told them. Pez pointed to my microphone and I had no clue what she meant but I think Leigh somehow understood.

At the end of touch we all went to the middle of the stage as we loved talking to the fans as well as performing. Leigh whispered to me to pretend my microphone didn't work so I could get off stage and I knew that was what Pez meant.

P: How we feeling on this side of the room

I turn my microphone off and talk into it

JT: That wasn't good enough.
L: Since Jades microphone has decided it doesn't want to work I'll repeat that. SHE SAID THAT ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH

I look at the girls and I am so happy I got myself out of that situation. I head off stage and run to the dressing room. I grab my stuff and head to the bathroom. I was pretty good at sorting everything out and could do it in record timing. I soon realised that there was more of a mess than I thought. I had killed my costume so had no clue what I was supposed to do. I then heard Pez shout through the microphone that they can't get any of them to connect and I am thankful that they are going to do the next song without me.

I leave the bathroom in my old costume because I cant just walk out naked and get my next one. I then head to the bathroom and sort everything out. My costume is now killed but I have another one so I'll just use that for the shows after. I hear 3 voices and know that they are running to get there next costumes.

P: U alright Jade
JT: Yeah thanks for that
L: Don't worry about it
JT: I take it you realised what was happening.
JN: Something Pez said
L: We need to hurry up
JN: I'm done
L: Same
JT: Pez hurry
P: I am. I don't want to go on the platform

We all knew how nervous Pez got on the platform and we always had to reassure her it would be fine.

JN: How many times have we did this
P: To many
JT: Has anything happened
P: No
L: Now hurry up and let's go before the stage goes without us on

Thanks to LaurenJaureguiMyWife for requesting this. I hope this is okay. Thanks for reading xx

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