36. Infection

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Perries Pov
Today we were starting the long journey to Edinburgh. For some reason we were doing lots of nights in England and then to Scotland before going back to England. It was a bit of a mess and we all wished we changed it before the tickets went on sale. It was now 7 am and we had just got on the tour bus. We Sometimes stayed in hotels or in the bunks in our rooms. This was a 10 hour journey and I wasn't looking forward to it. I felt uncomfortable and clostapforbic when we had to stay at the front part of the bus. While the bus was moving we couldn't go in our bunks for safety reasons so we were all crammed together until we got there.

The girls and I all sat at the back of the bus the complete opposite end to the small bathroom at the front. We all knew at some point we would have to use it because you can't go 10 hours without going to the toilet. Jade needed the toilet within the first hour which wasn't a surprise she was constantly in the bathroom. One thing I was glad about was the fact the performance wasn't until tomorrow so we could rest when we arrived.

We were now halfway and everything was now eating food. Leigh had fell asleep which she could do anyway. Jesy was now talking to some dancers down at the front but we knew she was only doing this so it was less noticeable when she went in the bathroom. Now that I think of it I could probably use going to the toilet as well but I was just going to wait until we arrived.

Another hour had passed and Leigh was now awake and sat talking with us. The amount of people on the bus from dancers to hair stylists who used the bathroom was incredible. I think everyone had now used it apart from me. I still really needed the toilet however on the bus I felt like everyone could hear you.

Sometimes when on the bus you can hear slight noises from the bathroom when your right at the front. We were all really comfortable with one another however I felt so anxious about using the bathroom. I just kept my legs crossed and hoped that the next 4 hours. The girls being as protective and caring as they are could tell something was definitely up with me. Jesy kept asking me if I was okay and Jade and Leigh didn't take there eyes off me.

JN: Perrie r u sure u r alright
P: Yeah I
L: R u sure
JT: U aren't acting normal. Your really quiet and definitely thinking about soemthing.
P: Honestly I'm fine other then the fact I need the toilet
JT: What don't you go
P: I'm to anxious and feel like everything can be heard or we will crash or something when I'm in there
L: How about one of us comes with you
P: Its fine I can wait
JN: There is still 4 whole hours left and u haven't been since we got on the bus
P: Honestly I'm fine leave me be

I tried to close my eyes and go to sleep so I could just forget about everything. We would soon be in Edinburgh and I could finally use the bathroom. I must of went to sleep because we were stopping when I woke up. I didn't feel like I needed the toilet anymore which was just typical. The girls were talking about me so I decided to keep pretending I was asleep.

JT: She's going to make herself ill
L: Its not her fault though
JN: No her anxiety is getting way worse at the minute
JT: I noticed that we'll just have to keep an eye on her
JN: I don't get how she hasn't wet herself
L: She probably going to have a sore bladder though
JT: We'll just have to keep an eye on her
L: I think she's waking up
JN: that's good because where getting off now

Jades Pov
Perrie had woken up so we all got some of our bags and took them inside. The crew was getting
the rest of the stuff which was nice of them. Me and the girls were all sharing one giant hotel room. We preferred being in the same room nd close to eachother rather then seperate. I had expected Perrie to rush to the room to use the bathroom but she didn't. I assumed she didn't need it anymore which concerned me alot. I don't mention it because I didn't want to push her. We had ordered room service would come in about an hour so we were just waiting till then.

The dancers came and dropped our bags off and our one with all the costumes in. We were getting changed into our pjs when there was a knock on the door. It was clearly the food but none of us were changed yet. Leigh had already put her pants on so shoved a huddy on a and went to collect it.

Perrie then went into the bathroom and I was glad she had finally went to the toilet. I hoped that she would he alright.

I thought I would split this into 2 so u could have this part earlier and it was also getting a bit long. Part 2 coming soon x

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