30. Brits disaster

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Perries Pov
It was the day of the brits and I was honestly just not feeling up to it. We had just finished tour last night and I just wanted to go to bed. I had such a bad headache and just felt like rubbsih. I was still super excited for tonight it was always so fun and enjoyable. The girls were all bouncing off the walls and I didn't know where they got all that energy from.

We were the last performance of the night so we had ages between the red carpet and our performance which was good. This meant we didn't have to rush around between things. The results were straight after our performance so after we had worried about the performance we didn't have to wait for the results for that long.

We r nominated for 2 categories and honestly couldn't wait to see if we were getting any more awards to add to our collection. We were nominated for best single of the year and best music video and we were so excited

Jades Pov
We were having an interview on the red carpet and Perrie was really quiet. She was normally really loud bubbly and excited but she didn't seem to be herself. However we had just got back from the Europe leg of tour and she was probably really tired. I would talk to her when we were getting ready for the performance.

We were back in hair and makeup ready to get ready for out perofmrnace. It wasn't for another 2 hours, however we didn't want to be rushing around last minute. Jesy and Leigh were in the corner on there phones looking at our previous brits performances. People usually don't like watching old videos of themselves however we all loved researching what we do on stage.

I decided this was the perfect time to ask Perrie what was up. She had a headache and that made a lot of sense to why she was quieter. What confused me was she hadn't took any painkillers.

JT: Have u had any pain killers
P: no
JT: Why
P: I didn't bring any
JT: I do come with me. You should of asked

We went over to the heap of stuff which included the most random collection possible. You never knew what u would need before a performance. I handed Perrie the box of ibuprofen and she took 2 of them.

Once we had finished hair and makeup we got into our costumes and took a lot of photos. It takes a while sometimes to find photos that we all like. After a few group photos we took some for our own instagrams and just yo have in general. All our family and friends were sat at a table which they had been at all night. We would usually sit with them after four perofmrnace but we wernt allowed before performing.

We got called to the stage and I just hoped that Perrie was okay.

Jesys Pov
Me and the girls were on stage and the performance was going amazingly. We We r won fire and even though we had been on stage for 5 nights in a row this one was definitely the best. I could see our friends and family all dancing around and I could tell alot of them were drunk.

There was a massive dance break in this peroformance and I was so excited to do it. We handed our microphones to our dancers and went full out. I was in the middle next to Leigh and Jesy and Jade on the other side. I look to my left and Perrie slowly zoning out and I know she is going to faint.

Loads of people rush on stage and before we know it there is 3 of us on stage. I had already saw Deborah and Alex looking at eachother before leaving there seats. They were obviously coming to check on Perrie. We ran backstage and she was just starting to stir. Jade had informed us that she and a headache before we went on stage however she didn't know what caused it.

Perries Pov
I woke up staring at the ceiling with people surrounding me. When I opened my eyes they all stopped back and I was left with the girls.

L: R u alright
P: Yeah I still have a headache though. How was the performance
JT: Leigh sang tour bit and we were all good.
JN: Your mam and Alex r coming from somewhere
P: Okay

The doctor comes in to check on me and we did he can work out what happened. I apparently haven't drank enough today and that makes sense considering we had been traveling here and I hated drinking in moving vehicles. That was also the cause of my headache so once I drank some more I would be able to go

Jesys Pov
Deborah and Alex come in and speak to Perrie. Once the doctor is happy she has drank enough she is allowed to go the table. She was still not feeling to good however wanted to go and see who had won the awards. They had already announced the first category and we were waiting for the next one.



We were all so happy and headed to collect our award. Jade spoke like normal and I wasn't drunk this time which was a bonus. I held Perries hand as we made our way down.

JT: We want to thank you all for the support and everything we have had throughout the past 10 years. I don't know where I would be without these 3 they are literally everything.

L: We love you to Jadey

Leigh-Anns Pov
We be just got back from the interview when they were soon to announce the next award which we were also nominated for. We had been backstage and were now just talking with friends and family. Perrie was feeling a lot better now and looked more alive.



We were all jumping around 2nd couldn't believe we had won 2 awards in one night this was certainly a night we wernt going to remember. This time Jesy took the microphone

JN: We still cant believe that where back up here for the second time tonight. It's amazing knowing how much appreciation we got form this song

P: I would like to say thankyou to the 3 girls with me on stage. I would be so lost if one day i woke up without use in my life. As u all saw I wasn't very well earlier but I am fine now and it's all thanks to these 3

We went to our second interview before spending the rest of the night partying and getting a bit drunk.

Thanks for reading x

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