morning sickness

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Perries pov
We were back at the studio today for a writing session. I turned my alarm off amd sat up as slowly as I possibly could.  I loved knowing that there was a baby growing inside of me but the side affects of pregnancy were draining me so much. The first trimester was over halfway done now so hopefully I would feel better soon. I wasn't physically sick very often but just felt sick throughout the whole day and eating was like a chore.

I got up and started to get ready before hopping in the car and driving to work. Jade and Leighs cars were both here however they wernt at the entrance where we usually met so I went inside to see if I could find out where they had got to. I stopped at the front desk and they had said they both went running along near room 6. I have no clue as to wear they were running but at least I now know what direction they were going.

I heard them speaking in the bathroom before the noise of Leigh retching and the vomit hitting the toilet water was heard. That was enough to make me feel even more sick than I already did. I ran into the bathroom past the stall Leigh and Jade was in to find out that nothing would come up. I was left just feeling nautious and my head spinning every time I moved.

Jades pov
I felt really bad for both Leigh and Perrie at the moment. Leigh was running to the bathroom to throw up all morning  and Perrie was left feeling sick the entire day. After Leigh had stopped being sick I left her to freshen up while I went to see Perrie who was sat with her back against the wall and her head in her hands. I bent down next to her and pulled her hair out ofher face and I could see the look of pain in her eyes and the paleness of her skin shining in the light.

Jade: Pez babe r u alright
Perrie: I just feel sick and my head hurts
Jade: I wish I could take it away for you
Perrie: It has a great reward at the end of it
Jade: yah I get to be the cool auntie to 2 babies without having to carry them so it's a win for me
Perrie: I love you jadore
Jade: I love u pezminda and you to leigh leigh
Leigh: I love use both
Jade: want to go write some stuff
Perrie: yeah let's go

Jades pov

We were all sat around the table with Kamille and she still didn't know about Perries and Leighs pregnancies as they still didn't think it was the right time to tell her.  We had managed to finish a song we had been woring on for the past 3 seconds and we were all really happy with the lyrics but didn't know what tempo or dynamic we wanted this song to be. We all started to suggest some of our opinions but i noticed that Perrie had started to withdraw herself more and more from the converstaion and she was sat with one elbow on the table and her head in her hands where the other one was clutching her stomach. I looked at Leigh and she seemed to realise that something was wrong with Perrie to. I needed to speak with her however we couldn't let Kamille get suspicious of anything. 

Leigh: Can we take a break to refresh our brains

Kamille: yeah i think thats a good idea because im all tired out now. I'm going to get a drink from next door

Jade: see u in a minute then

Perries Pov

My stomach was turnind and my head was spinnning. I felt like i was on a never ending rollercoaster. I sontknow how anybody couldenjoyprgenancy because so far I have only sarthe bad side of it. Icould see Jadeteyingto catch my attention buti wasn't in the mood to speak rightness and knew that I would just become a mess if I let how ill I felt out.

Leigh asked for a break which meant that she knew stuff was up to. The second kamille left the room both Leigh and Jade walked over to the chair I was sitting at and both took 1 of my hands each in theirs. None of us said a word to one another for the first few seconds until Jades calming voice was heard.

Jade: Perrie do u still feel sick
Perrie: yeah
Leigh: what usually stops u feeling sick
Perrie: anything sour helps usually
Jade: like toxic waste sour
Perrie: mhm I sat and ate like half a barrel of it last night and Alex thought I was nuts.
Leigh: that is a bit crazy but I cant say anything
Jade: yeah u had ate fruit pastels and frazzles together (a/n made that part up)
Leigh:wait I've just thought I have toxic waste in my bag
Perrie: why on earth do u have that
Leigh: Andre tried to give me some yesterday so yeah
Jade: why
Leigh: thats for another time

Thankyou for reading

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