47. not well

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Perries pov
Today had been great as  we had finished recording a new single in the middle of tour so now we just had the video to shoot. It was such a funny day and everything went smoothly for once. We had nothing to do tomorrow so we might all go somewhere depending on if we are in the mood to probably get papped.

It was 9pm and the 4 of us were sat on the sofa watching a movie we found on Netflix. It wasn't as bad as I first thought it was going to be but it wasn't the best movie either. Jesy wasn't paying attention to the movie and she kept closing her eyes and turning herself more away from the TV screen.

P: Jesy r u alright
JN: yeah just a headache

Jesy never complained and rarely got ill compare to the rest of us so it was strange her being the one who wasn't feeling well. I went and got her some tablets and a glass of water before going and sitting back down again. She took the tablets and Jade put the glass on the table for her. She cuddled into me and shut her eyes so that the light wasn't shining in her face.

After the movie we all went to bed as we were all tired and needed a good night's sleep. I was happy we had nothing to do tomorrow.

Leigh-annes pov
I had just woke up and I was the only one asleep. I went to the sitting room and no-one was there. They wernt in the kitchen so or the dining room. I then heard an echo which could only be coming from the bathroom. They were all in there. I went to the bathroom and Jesy was sat on the floor cuddled up to Jade and Perrie was just stood talking. She really wasn't well.

We all got up off the bathroom floor and just sat in the sitting room. I got some sickness tablets for Jssy before we all sat on the sofa. It turned into a movie day and it was a good day. Jesy didn't feel as sick anymore but still wasn't well. Everyone always sees her as the mam of the group which is what she is sometimes. She always looks after us when we are sick and doesn't let us do to much so now we all have to return the favour.

After the movie we all knew that some fresh air would do Jesy and the rest of us some good so we shoved on some comfy clothes and our coats before leaving the bus. We wernt going to go far into the main city as we didn't want to be papped or for people to recognise us so we walked around this empty field we found and it was an enjoyable walk

Sorry for it being so short  x

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