11. Hurt in rehearsal

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Perries Pov
I had slept in and was in a rush to get to the studio. We had a long day of rehearsals which start at 08:00 and end at 18:00. I had just arrived arrived at the studio and it was only 08:05 so I was earlier then I thought I was going to be. I ran inside to find Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Ann sat on the sofa outside of the rehearsal room. I went over to them and they told me rehearsals were starting at 08:15, they just wanted to make sure I got there on time. I laughed at them and as soon as it hit 08:15 our dance coach and choreographer claud came out and told us we were going to be rehearsing a dance for break up song. I was super excited as we had never done a live performance of this and I knew it could be amazing.

Leigh-Anns Pov
We had been rehearsing our new dance to break up song for about an hour and a half. We were all already really tired. Non of us had ate breakfast yet so we had a 15 minute break to eat and try and get some more energy, before learning the rest of the dance. I loved the dance so far as it had so many moves that we don't really do anymore and was alot of fun. We all ate our breakfast and spoke about what had happened since the last time we saw eachother. Which was only 2 days ago. After our break we went back into rehearsals ready to learn the rest of the dance.

30 minutes later
We had learnt all of the choreography we now just had to put it together. Claude left us for a bit and told us to practise putting the moves together and edit the bits we want to change.
Me and the girls were doing the chorus which was similar to the tiktok version of our song. When I slip in some water on the floor which makes me twist my ankle. It was very painful but I didn't want the girls to know I was hurt so I just laughed it off with them.

Jesys Pov
We were practising the chorus part of the dance when Leigh falls over. It is very typical of Leigh to fall over in rehearsals  as she is one of the clumsiest people I know. Me, Jade and Perrie all start laughing at her and she then starts laughing with us. I don't know how she never injured herself. Perrie helps her up and we continue the dance.

Claudes Pov
I left the girls to practise the dance and work it out for themselves about 20 minutes ago. I thought I would go and make sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. As they have a habit of just laughing with one another that they forget what they are supposed to be doing. I walk in the room to no surprise that they are all laughing.

C: Lets see if you have done anything in twenty minutes other then laughing.

The girls all get in there starting positions.

I was watching the girls do there routine but Leigh doesn't seem to be doing it full out like she is supposed to be doing and she is missing steps. I have no idea what is wrong with her as the other three seem to be doing it amazingly.

Leigh-anns Pov
When Claude came into the room I immediately tensed up as I know she is going to want it full out. My ankle is really hurting me and I hope nobody realises. We start dancing and I think I am dancing perfectly. However the more we dance the more painful it becomes and I start to miss moves and not do them properly. I can see on Claudes face that she is disappointed. I know she is going to be on my back and I don't know how much more I can take.

C: Jesy, Jade and Perrie that was so good and I'm so happy you have learnt the choreography. But Leigh-Ann is there something wrong as you missed quite a few steps and I know you can perform that better.

L: I had a mind blank. I promise I know the danc I don't know what happened.

C: Okay then after the break you better perform this and make it look like u know what your doing.

Jades Pov
I had no clue what was going on with Leigh-Ann she was dancing fine until Claude came in. I was definitely going to keep an eye on her as I feel like something is up.

L: Im going to the bathroom
JT: Im coming to
L: Okay

Me and Leigh are both heading to the bathroom but u can definitely tell something is wrong with her. She seems like she is in pain as she is walking strangely down the Coridoor.

We are in the bathroom right now and I can hear Leigh crying in the cubicle next to me.

J: R u alright
L: y.yeah
J: Then why r u crying
L: No reason
J: There's always a reason now tell me.
L: Do you know when I fell in rehearsals
J: Yeah
L: I twisted my ankle and it's quite painful
J: I thought something was wrong, just the way you were walking and the fact that Claude pointed out that your dancing wasn't full out.
L: I'll be fine and you have to promise me Jade
J: Promise what
L: That you won't tell anyone not even Jesy or Perrie.
J: But
L: No buts
J: Fine I promise but at least come out and show me.

Leigh ann comes out the cubicle and takes her sock off. Her ankle is bruises and very swollen and looks worse then just twisted.

J: I think you need to go to the hospital
L: I don't it will be fine now let's go as Perrie and Jesy will be wondering where we are.

Both girls head back to the dance studio Leigh-Ann limping and Jade helping her. They get to the door of the studio and Leigh let's go of Jade and they go and see Perrie and Jesy.

P: What took use so long
L: Dunno But we should probably start rehearsing again.
JN: Yeah we should

Perrie, Jesy and Leigh-Ann walk back towards the middle of the room. while Jade heads to the door.

JT: I'll be 2 minutes
L: Where r u going

But by the time Leigh-Anns words had left her mouth Jade had already left

I don't know if some of my ideas are too predictable or similar to ones I have previously written, so let me know. I also know I have also grammar so some things might not make sense.

Also would you like a part 2 to this xx

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