24. Holiday

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Jades Pov
Me and the girls had just arrived at the canary islands with our management and mixmen. We were shooting our holiday music video and it was going to be insane. We had a private part of the beach so that no-one could see who we were and what we were up to. We had the first day off so all relaxed at the beach.

 We had the first day off so all relaxed at the beach

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We all wore our bikinis and just let lose. We all went in the ocean for a bit and tanned on the golden sand. I usually can't stand the heat but today was amazing. I couldn't wait to start shooting the video tomorrow.

Perries  Pov
We had all woke up and were at the beach early to get ready for the music video. I was so hot and could feel the sun shining on me. I loved the heat however it was making me feel light headed. I tried to just drink more fluids and hope it would go away. We were getting our hair done and the thing on my head must of weighed about 1000 pounds. Management was trying to see if Jesy would put anything on her head but she refused. Our manager gave up trying in the end as he knew he wants going to win. After we all had our hair done we had to have our makeup on. Sitting in the sun not moving was making me feel more light headed and I felt like I was going to pass out. It had given me a massive headache but I knew I was going to have to just push through the day. Jesys verse was first which worked as she was all ready done when we were still getting our makeup done.

P: Why is it so hot
JT: Cos your on an island
L: I don't think I have ever been in heat this hot.
P: The only good thing about this heat is I could get a tan
JT: if you don't burn like you normally do
L: I love the heat Its relaxing
P: I might not end up burnt you never know. And the heat is usually nice but it's giving me a massive headache.
JT: Have you took any paracetamol
P: Yeah I did this morning just waiting for it to work.
L: Let us know if you need anything
P: I'm sure I'll be fine.

We had finished getting sorted and were doing the chorus part. We were all involved in this part so it took 10x longer to get it right. It must of took an hour to do just the chorus and by that point I felt really dizzy. I could bearley walk in a straight line.

Jesys Pov
The chorus was so long and I felt really bad for Pez. We were on the beach recording for at least and hour and it was just getting hotter. We all left the beach and went up to the beach house. Pez looked really ill and I just wish she would tell someone.

JN: Pez come here a sec
P: What's up
JN: You alright
P: Not really. I'm so tired everything aches. I have a headache I feel dizzy and I now feel like I'm going to be sick
JN: I think you have heat stroke
P: Maybe I'll be fine we r having a break now anyways so I can cool down.
JN: Okay. Just say if you can't do the video
P: I will

A couple hours later
Perries Pov 
We r nearly finished the last part of today before we finsh it tomorrow. I had my part to do and Jade was doing hers. Jesy and Leigh were finished so we're taking there makeup off and getting ready to have fun later.

I felt so dizzy and like I was going to pass out. I was burning up and I just couldn't stand anymore. I sat on the sand and the next thing I know I'm back at the beach house with 3 friends stood next to me.

JN: You need to cool down your burning up.
L: And also when was the last time you drank something
P: I dunno before we got ready to do the video
JT: Your probably dehydrated as well
P: Sorry
L: Its alright just drink soemthing now. Also can we pour water on you to cool you down.
P: Yes have fun with it

The girls were pouring water on me and getting it everywhere. We then all started squirting eachother  and after about half an hour I felt way better. We went and played in the ocean like big kids before settling down for the night. I couldnt wait to go finish the last part tomorrow because we had mermaid costumes and were doing it it the sea.

I am going to still try and update as much as I can but from tomorrow I have online school to do which will probably take a while so my updates might not be as fast. I hope to keep it up though but who knows. Stay safe xx

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