41. Homesick

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Perries Pov
We were in America and it was great being on tour with my girls. We had finished the first month but still had another two more to go. I loved tour so so much and it was the best part of my job. However recently I had started to feel a bit homesick because to hadnt saw any of my family,my house or the dogs in a little over a month.

We all usually got home sick on tour but I would say me and Leigh were the worst. For some reason I couldn't cope with it very well and the more homesick I got the more overwhelmed and tired I would start to feel. I would also sometimes get flair ups of anxiety when I was feeling like this

The work load we had on tour was always absolutely crazy. We had interviews and were sometimes even shooting music videos and recording new singles while juggling all the performances. It's not something anybody can describe and u have to experience it to know fully what it is all about. Today we had an interview followed by another interview and then a perofmrnace.

Jades Pov
We werw sat at the first interview and we had all barely gotten any sleep. We must of had 4 hours if we were lucky but I think our bodies had learnt to cope with it a bit more now. When we first started touring it was really difficult to be able to function without much sleep but I think we are pros at it now.

We were about to go live and this radio station was such a big place. I don't think we had ever been in this one before and the view out of the window was insane. It looked over all the busy streets and the people rushing around in and out of shops.

Once we went live we had been given the usual questions about how we were and what was coming up for little mix in the future. All of us except for Perrie seemed to answer and she just nodded her head and smiled a bit. I think she was just tired because she sometimes couldn't get to sleep as quickly as the rest of us on a night time. She also loved her sleep alot more then the rest of us did.

After the first interview we had a 20 minute journey to the next radio station. In the car Perrie kept looking at her phone and then she shed a few tears. Jesy took hold of her hands and she leaned against her. Since I was in the front of the car with the driver I couldn't see what Perrie had been looking at.

Leigh was sat next to Jesy and must of relaised that I was wondering what was going on so she started to text me. She said that Perrie had been looking at photos of her house, her and Alex, her mam and the rest of her family as well as the dogs. She was clearly feeling very homesick.

When we were on tour was all got homesick but Perrie and Leigh were the worst for it. There was days where one of us or multiple of us would be feeling down and it was up to the rest to cheer them up. If we were all homesick or just feeling down we found that just talking about it helped us all to process it.

After we got out of the car we were papped like crazy as we headed to the next interview. Perries breaths were getting more shake as we quickly tried to get away from the paps. When she was overwhelmed she got more anxious and just stressed and it was up to us all to calm her down.

It took us a good 10 minutes to get her  breathing back under control and we were a bit late the interviww howver we blamed getting lost.

Jesys Pov
We were sat in the last interview before we had a bit of a break before The arena. It was a quicker interview then the other one and only lasted for 20 minutes. I was happy that it was over because we all wanted to just relax and have some us time. We were all thinking of going to the arena early and just sitting and relaxing. That was until we all got an email saying we needed to go to the hotel. I think management think where robots and won't let us have a break ever. We had 2 hours so I didn't know what we would be able to do in that time.

We all got out of the car and were all feeling a bit fed up. That soon changed when we went back to the part of the hotel that had been booked for us all where our mams were. They were stood in a line behind the dining table and we all ran at them as if we hadn't saw them before. Everyone was crying and it was clear to us how much everyone and missed eachother

I hoped that this would make Perrie more happy having her mam with us. We decided to stay at the hotel before the 8 of us went to the arena to get sorted. Seeing our mams for the first time in over a month felt so amazing.

Do u want a part 2 where they spend time with there mams and things x

Instagram: Myart_gallery763
Thanks For reading
Jess xx

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