8. Hidden injury (part 2)

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Thanks MollyGraveling for your request on part 2 I really enjoyed making this.

It's been a week since Perrie got told she had a slipped disc and she was finally back at dance rehearsals. Everyone was excited to see her back dancing again.

Jesys Pov
Its amazing having Perrie back in dance rehearsals. We are currently learning a new dance to sweet melody for our upcoming performance on strictly come dancing. We really want another number one single and think performing it again will help it get what it deserves. I love dancing and this routine is fire

Perries Pov
It's amazing being back in rehearsals with the girls it's not the same sitting and watching them. I was so glad when the doctors told me I Could dance again. I do my part on the floor when all of a sudden my back just gives up and I struggle to get back up again. I was happy that no-one noticed as I know they would all make a fuss. Sharon our dance choreographer calls a break and I am thankful I go to my bag get a drink, grab the tape that I packed. Before heading to the bathroom.

Leigh-anns pov
We had just finished that round of dance rehearsals and all headed to our bags to get a drink. However Perrie grabs tape out her bag and puts it in her pocket before heading to the bathroom. I don't think anyone else noticed or was paying attention but it got me wondering if her back was healed enough to dance. I told Jesy and Jade I was going to the bathroom and went running after Perrie.

Once I arrived in the bathroom I could hear Perrie putting the tape on her back and she squealed which sounded like she was in pain.

Perries Pov
I put the tape on my back and fought through the sharp shooting pains before opening the cubicle door. When I opened the door I see Leigh and I just hope she doesn't suspect anything.


L: r u alright
P: Yeah I'm fine
L: r u sure
P: Yeah
L: so why were u putting tape on your back and why were u squealing
P: ok my back is a bit sore
L: Why didn't u say anything
P: I don't want to cause a fuss and it isn't as bad as the first time
L: Should u even be dancing
P: I got cleared to dance so that's what I'm going to do
L: If your sure we should probably head back the other will be wondering why where taking so long

Me and Leigh both head back in ready to start dancing again.

A week later

Leigh-Anns pov
It's been a week since I found Perrie in the bathroom. I know that she is still putting tape on her back but I don't think she's in as much pain as she is doing the routines flawlessly. Tonight was our final practise before the performance tomorrow and it went amazingly.

Perries Pov
I know Leigh is watching me like a hawk so although my back is worse then it has ever been I'm powering through this last rehearsal. I'm hoping that she doesn't suspect anyhting. I get home get changed and immediately fall on the bed. I have no idea how I'm going to get through the performance tomorrow.

It's the next day and I woke up around 8am. I was about to get out of bed when I realised I couldn't feel my legs. I had no clue what was happening so I decided to call Leigh.

Leigh-Anns Pov
I had just woken up when I look at my phone and see that someone is calling me. I looked at the caller id and realise that it's Perrie and immediately answer her.

L: Morning Perrie r u alright
P: emm no
L: What's happened
P: I woke up this morning and I can't feel my legs and I think it is because of rehearsals. I'm sorry I know I shouldn't of danced. will u come over and text Jesy and Jade to come.
L: Yeah and we will all be over as quick as possible, stay calm

I immediately text Jesy and Jade and tell them to go to Perries. I arrive at Perries 10 minutes after she called me,  and realise I don't have the key so I call her tell her I'm there and that Jade or Jesy will be here in a minute, and they will let us inside.

10 minutes later Jesy and Jade arrive and once Jade has opened the door we immediately run upstairs. Once upstairs we find a very stressed Perrie who looks like she is in a lot of pain. Jade calls an ambulance why me and Jesy work on calming Perrie down. Perries face fell when she realised she would have to go back to the hospital.

I arrive at the hospital with Perrie in the ambulance while Jesy and Jade drive over to meet us. She hasn't stopped screaming and I just hope they call help her through the pain.

They take her into a room and tell me to wait outside. I nervously wait and wait until I here two familiar voices and realise it's Jade and Jesy. They rush over to me too see if I know what's happened when a doctor comes out Perries room.

D: Friends and Family of Perrie Edwards follow me.

We all go into the room and the doctor tells us that her slipped disc moved the second she started dancing again. They then say the disc is very close to her spinal code and she is very close to being paralysed. I ask the doctor what's going to happen next and they tell us she is going to have to have emergency surgery on her back, to put the disc back in place. They say it could take over 2 months for her to be able to start dancing again. However she won't be able to do floor work for a while.

We say bye to Perrie and just pray that she will be okay

Let me know what you think and thank you for reading it means alot to me. xx

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