3. Stage accident

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The girls are backstage before being the surprise guests at the BBC 1 festival.

Jesys Pov
Me and the girls are all getting ready to be the surprise guests on the BBC 1 festival. Whe are all so excited and can't wait to perform some of our new songs from our new album Confetti. I've just finished my hair and make up and I am ready to go and get my costume on. I meet the girls in the room and we all laugh and mess on before going to sound check to make sure we are ready to perform in an hour.

Jades Pov
It's finally time after hours and hours of rehearsing it's time to show what Little mix is all about. We all go to the stage and wait for them to announce our name before the stage is going to rise.  I'm shaking like a leaf and I just can't stop it. I'm so nervous yet the most excited I've been in ages.

We give you Little mix and everyone screams and shouts. It's time

The girls perform Sweet Melody, nothing but my feelings, breathe and Happiness.

Leigh: It's been a lovely evening and where sad it's nearly over so this is the last song we are going to be  performing tonight. Its Holiday.

Perries Pov
This performance is something we have never done before dancing with water and signing all at the same time. The song is nearly over and everything has went amazingly it's been one of our best performances ever and I've loved every second of it. However out of the corner of my eye I see Jade slip in the water tbwnkfully she didnt fall and I just hope she is okay. Jade continues the performance but I can tell something is wrong with her  she doesn't seem to be fully focused on the performance like sje normally is and seems to be in pain.

Jades Pov
The holiday performance is 10x better then any of us could of imagined but when Perrie does her verse I mess up my footing and end up putting my foot down the wrong way. This resulted in me twisting my ankle, I continue the performance and fight through the pain. Thankfully this is the last song and we are finished after this.

Jesy: Thankyou and Goodnight

The curtain goes down and Perrie Leigh and Jesy all turn to Jade knowing that she's done something to her ankle and that she's in pain.

Jades Pov
I was so glad the performance was over but I didn't want to worry the girls so I didn't say anything. But the second the curtain went down they all turned to me knowing that something was up. I knew that they knew somethimg had  happened on stage but I don't think they know what. I didn't want them to fuss over me so I didn't mention it.

Jesy: Jade are you alright
Jade: Yeah I'm fine
Leigh: Are u sure
Jade: I'm fine why
Perrie: because we all knew you tripped and your leaning on Jesy

Jade stops leaning on Jesy and winced when she puts her foot on the floor.

Jesy: Come on let's go off stage and find out what's wrong with you, Because you are clearly hurt and we can't stand hear all night.

The girls all help Jade backstage and go and sit in there dressing room

The doctor at the festival tells them she's sprained it and it will take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to heal so she needs to be careful. She shouldnt do anything strenuous like dancing for at least two weeks and should stop when painful . It should heal completely if she rests it. He wraps Jades foot and leaves the room. 

An hour later the girls are heading back to there hotel before travelling back up to London early tomorrow morning. They gets changed into there pjarmers and all get into bed ready to watch a film to calm down before going to sleep

Sorry if it's short I couldn't think of anything else and if you have any suggestions be happy to do them. Thanks for reading xx

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