42. Homesick (Part 2 )

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Perries pov
We were backstage and we were super rushed because we got here later the usual. We had spent a lot of time with our mams today and i just wanted to continue being cuddled by her. She made me feel like i was young again and back in south shields and that nothing had changed when in reality a lot had. I wouldn't change anything that happened and i love little mix and performing but sometimes it got stressful and overwhelming.

We went on stage and everything I was feeling left me and I felt amazing. I loved performing and it always felt like we were on another planet. After the performance we all went backstage to sort ourselves out before we headed back to the hotel. We were all having a movie night and I was glad we didn't have a performance tomorrow. Instead we had to practise a new song we were recording. It was so hard for all of us and we all felt like breaking.

Jades Pov
Seeing my mam made me miss home. Usually it didn't but me as much until I saw someone I hadn't saw in a while. Even when in London I never fully feel at home. South shields is there I belong and I love going back there.

The next morning
Leigh anns Pov
I didn't feel well when I woke up this morning. I ached all over and my head was throbbing with pain. Whenever I moved my head even if it was just the smallest amount I felt sick. We wernt performing for 2 days so hopefully I feel better by then but that won't stop rehearsals. Who knows why they are choosing to film a new single and music video when we are on tour.

I heard Perrie and Deborah talking and then my mam joined in. If Perrie was up then that would mean we should all be up.

P: Leigh Leigh I have been sent to wake u up
L: Okay
P: U alright
L: I just don't feel well.
P: U don't sound or look right
L: It's to bright.
P: 2 secs I'm getting your mam. She will know what is wrong
L: Kay

P: Debbie Something isn't right with Leigh
Debbie: Okay let's go

Debbie: Leigh darling
L: Talk quieter
Debbie: Do u have a headache
L: Yeah my head hurts and moving makes me feel sick but everything aches
Debbie: I think you have a migraine baby
L: How fun.
Debbie: Just rest today and get some sleep and see how u r tomorrow
L: What about the new single
P: U can do it tomorrow. We can just do solo parts now
L: Okay

Perries Pov
I went downstairs to tell the other what was going on and the mams said they will look after Leigh but we have to go. Management still doenst know as they won't answer the phone so they will just see when they get there. If they say anything Jesy will just give them a piece of her mind.

We got out the car and we were a whole minute late. I wasn't looking forward to this at all. We went inside and management just started at us

M: Use r a minute late which means u have to stay for an extra hour
JN: Why not a minute because where a minute late
JT: that would make more sense
M: What I say goes. Use are always late and where is the other one
JN: 1 she is called Leigh-Anne and 2 she isn't well so is still at the hotel
M: Of Cource she isn't. She just can't be bothered. Anwyays u can just do it without her no-one will miss her.
JN: Excuse me. She does just as much as the rest of us so what is wrong with you. She has so much talent and you are blinded by it because you don't believe in her
M: I am saying it now she is the reason most of your fans are UK
JT: How dare u. While a part of little mix we are all just as responsible for what happens. What is different about her compare to us. You always try and leave her and we have never said anything because we didn't want to upset her. Now would u say the same if she was White
M: eh eh. well
JT: Thought so. I'm not 100% British but u say nothing to me. You treat me like a human. Our contract ends in a month and we are leaving after
M: whatevs there's better people. Also why is the third one not saying anything
P: my name is Perrie and they said it for me
M: Now we have spent this long discussing everything get in the recording studio and do what you are here to do

Leigh-Anns Pov
The girls were on there way back now and I couldn't wait to see them again. I still felt awful but I had managed to move to the living room. They had also told us we were cha going management but didn't say why. To be honest I was glad because he didn't like me and always treated me wrong.

P: Hi Lee Lee
L: Hi
P: any better
L: A bit
Deborah: Hi yes baby
P: Hi man I missed u and can't wait to spend the rest of the week together
Deborah: About that I have to go home
P: wait why u only just got here
Deborah: Ellie
P: What is wrong with her
Deborah: She will message u at some point
P: No this is my time considering I won't see h now for another 2 months
Deborah: I know I love u so so much. U will be alright u r so strong.
Norma: pluss where all here for u
P: wait u know what's up with Ellie and why she has to go
Norma: Yeah
JN:yes spend the last night with Deborah by having a movie night. That way Leigh can rest and we can all chill

This is a bit strange and I think I had tried to include to many different things. Let me know what u think and if u want more xxx

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