28. On stage (part 2)

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Perries Pov
I woke up and the entire backstage was crowded around me. I had no clue how I was backstage or how I even got off stage but that was the least of my problems. Not only were people now going to have videos of me messing up but also probably of me passing out. I could hear the girls on stage and just wished they were with me. It was touch our final song so I knew they would be finished soon.

P: Can everyone give me some space please

Everyone moves away from me and I just lie there staring into space until the girls come in.

JN: omg Pez tour awake
JT: how r u
P: I feel fine but what happened after I passed out
L: Some dancers carried you off stage and we tried to stay with you put Paul made us go back on and finish.
P: Its alright
JN: Pez your phone is ringing
P: Can I have it please
JN: Its Jonnie
L: Do u want us to leave
P: no. stay

Jade held my hand as I answered the phone with no idea what was happening on the other end. His voice seemed alot less worried and more calm compare to the voicemail. I hoped this meant everything was okay.


P: Hello
J: Hi Pez how r u
P: I'm fine but how's mam
J: She's coming around. She did have a stroke but they are pretty sure she won't have any after effects of it
P: That's good
J: There keeping her in hospital for the next few days just to monitor her
P: I'll be up at some point so maybe I'll see u
J: Yeah
P: I'll see u later
J: Yeah bye
P: bye

I hung up the phone and I was happy that they had found out she had definitely had a stroke and it was nothing else. I know some strokes are major however I'm glad Mam won't have any after effects to it.

JN: so
P: She did have a stroke but she's okay now and won't have any effects
L: That's good then
JT: U can see her tomorrow when we go back bit for now we need to get changed. into normal clothes
P: Sounds like a good idea

I stood up and felt a bit dizzy for a few minutes but I suppose that was normal. I also had a headache but I knew that would go away soon.

Jades Pov
We werw on the bus to our hotel. It was a nice way to end the day. I was on Instagram and I was looking through random posts about is I came across a video of the incident on stage and found lots more after it. I knew it wouldn't be ling until Pez found it so I decided to tell her. Hopefully she wouldn't be as shocked when she saw it herself later.

JT: Pez just letting you know the I evident is on social media. I've reported it and we just have to wait until they get rid of it.
P: great that will be around forever as nothing goes completely.
L: Don't worry about it
JN: There's loads of nice comments underneath
P: there always is. Anyways let's to to our room.
JT: Do you want to put something on Instagram to let people know your okay
P: Yeah I'll do it after and we can the go to sleep
L: Sounds like a plan

Hi guys it's Perrie here I just wanted to say sorry for the incident on stage tonight. I am 100% back to normal just had a lot on my mind. I couldn't of got through any of this without my 3 amazing girls.
@jadethilrwall 😘xxxxx

That's cute when we leave tomorrow we can go straight to the hospitla so you can see her.
P: Thanks girls

Jonnie was calling me and my heart went into my mouth.

P: Everything okay
J: Don't worry everything is great but r u after what happened
P: Yeah just obviously got a lot on my mind and it got the better of me
J: Sorry for not answering the phone. I'm sure that would of prevented it
P: Don't worry about it. R u with man
J: Yeah do you want to speak to her
P: Yes please

D= Debbie

P: Hi mam
D: Hi Pez darling
P: U sure your alright
D: I'm fine with worry about it.
P: Good. I'll be up tomorrow night as we r travelling in the morning
D: Okay get some sleep
P: I will love you
D: Love you to princess

Sorry about the wait I forgot to update this. Would u like a part 3 xx

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