7. Suffering on tour (part 2)

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TW- contains anorexia, Skip if this can harm you

Its been a week since the girls found out why Jade wasn't herself and why she had all of a sudden started distancing herself from them. Things still hadn't got better and Jade still wouldn't eat anything.

Jesys Pov

I was really worried about Jade this morning she was already awake when i woke up and it looked like she had been awake for hours. Considering it was only 6am and how wide awake she was I don't think she slept at all. 

JN: Morning Jade are you okay

JT: Yeah apart from a slight headache

JN: Do you want to go and find Pez and Leigh

JT: Yeah lets get our things and we can just get ready next door, knowing them there probably going to need dragged out of bed.

Jades pov

Me and Jesy were both getting up before going to see Perrie and Leigh-Ann to get  ready before a full of interviews when i suddenly felt really dizzy so had to sit back down. I tried to stand up again but the same dizzy feeling came back and the room was spinning.

JN: R u alright

JT: Im just dizzy

JN: I know you don't want to here this but it is because you aren't eating enough

JT: I know but every time I try and eat they tell me not to.

JN: Who do

JT: The voices

JN: It's going to be okay

JT: But I just feel like so much of a hassle

JN: u aren't a hassle and what matters is u getting better. I'm going to go get some toast for you to try and eat

JT: Okay

Jesy Pov
I go to the kitchen to get Jade some toast and I just hope she can eat some of it. I also text Pez and Leigh to come next door so that we can decide what to do next.

I'm on my way back upstairs when I here the door and two familiar voices.

Perries Pov
Me and Leigh had just woke up when we got a text from Jesy telling us to come over as Jade was dizzy. We immediately went next door and see Jesy carrying a plate of toast which we assume is for Jade.

P: I take it Jade hasn't started eating again
JN: No I'm going to go back and see if I can get her to eat some toast. R use coming.

No ones pov

Perrie and Leigh both go with Jesy

All three of them are shocked when they enter the room and find an unconscious Jade with a very low pulse.

Jesy calls an ambulance while Perrie and Leigh-ann go over to Jade and just talk to her Its only been 5 minutes and the ambulance is already here. They knock on the door and Jesy goes to let them in.

Jade starts to stir and gains consciousness 

JT: What happens

P: You passed out 

The paramedics asks Jade a load of questions, one of the questions was when was the last time you ate and Jade replied with I can't remember it was a while ago.

Paramedics: Where going to take you to the hospital to get you checked over. They will probably keep you there until they are happy you have the correct nutritions and are eating properly again.

Perrie announces that the concert tonight is cancelled because some of the band aren't feeling well

At the hospital

Doctor: Friends and family of Jade Thirwall

Perrie, Jesy and Leigh-ann all follow the doctor into Jades room.

D: She is okay now, she still has a headache but that should go once she starts eating again. Where going to keep her in tonight and exam her in the morning  use are all welcome to stay if you want. If in the morning she has had enough food and fluid in her she can be discharged.

P: Thank you

It's the next morning and Jade had ate some pasta last night and managed a slice of toast in the morning. If she promised to keep eating and getting enough fluids she was allowed to go back.

The girls done the interviews which were meant to be done the day before  and caught up on the concerts they had missed. No-one else knew exactly what had happened the previous day.

A week later

Leigh-anns pov
It had been a week since Jade was let out of hospital and she had continued eating and was close to being back to her old Jade self.

Thanks for reading xx

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