It was him

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"But... how am I meant to do that? She's always with someone..." Luna may be bullied here at Hogwarts.
But the friends she did have were loyal to her, which to you seemed wel deserved. She had always been, not necessarily nice to you, but a lot kinder than the rest.

"Not our issue" Alecto shrugged "figure it out... the Dark Lord is beginning to find you two useless to him."

"And you know what happens to people he find useless" Amycus added. You did know, and all the lives you'd seen taken only proved that fact to you.

You were nothing more than pons to the dark lord, all sacrificable to the cause.

"Although it's been a while since I've seen a good, agonizing killing. So we don't care either way" Alecto made sure to enohasize the world agonizing.

"We'll handle it" Draco set his arm on your shoulder, moving to take you out of the room.

"Oh and Malfoy" Amycus called "congratulations" you could feel every inch of mocking in her voice.

Fucking cunt.

"We really can't have anything can we?" You felt your body shaking with fury as you walked the halls.

"We will figure it out sweet," Draco insisted.

"HOW? Please explain to me how this is even going to be possible?!" You knew somewhere inside you yelling was not the best idea. But you couldn't help it, years worth of anger seemed to finally be bubbling over.

"You need to quiet down" Draco whispered, the halls wandering eyes catching you.

"Fuck this. Fuck them" your skin was hot, pokers steal to the touch "being dead would be easier"

"You don't mean that..." Draco sounded hurt.

"I do, I do mean it. Fuck bring alive if it means this"

"Hey" Draco cupped your face into his hand, forcing you to look at him. "Remember that night on the tower? When you stopped me from throwing myself over? Because it's all going to be worth it? Was that all bullshit?"

You were forced in that moment to catch your breath, letting your head level back out.

"No... I meant it" you remembered that night, how you somehow found him standing alone on that tower, hands tight on the railing. That was the same night you told him you loved him for the first time, and begged him to step away from the ledge.

"Then I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me that night... we're going to make it. Even if its at the expense of everyone else"

"But she doesn't deserve that" you sighed into his touch.

"I know" he ran his thumb softly over your lips "but we lost all freedom to decide that"

A month had never felt so long, but so terrifyingly short all at once. You tried to desperately to justify what had to happen to yourself, but there was no way in doing that. Not really.

You never really just how often you saw her until you spent every waking moment avoiding her. You had somehow managed to take in every detail of her face, which if even possible, made it worse on you.

How the fuck were you going to do this?

"Y/n?" Daphne waved her hand in front of yours face as you stared blankly at your desk.

"Hmm?" You asked snapping out of it.

"Class is over..." you looked around the room as she spoke, it was completely empty. Had you really been lost in the confines of your brain for an entire class period?

It started as a joke DracoxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now