2:fated ♠

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a game for the card of five of spade.

chouka joins a game of tag. she knew she doesn't need to but she still goes. she sits down on the staircase, waiting for more players. there were more players than usual. some guys arrived and they didn't look too friendly. she looked around and saw that they wore some kind of bracelets of the same kind. she looked around and saw two girls chatting. and they were talking about chouka. chouka noticed it and chose to ignore. two more players arrived. two males. she looked to her left and saw a man with his hood covering his face. on his right was sone kind of radio charging using the apartment's electricity. he guarded it on his own. a few minutes went by and the game started.

chouka calmly walks up to the highest floor, only to find the same man who wore a jacket with his hood on over his head. he had his arms resting on the railing of the balcony.  he ignores her existence which ticked chouka off.

"can i stay here?"


"yeah sure you can," in a mocking voice, chouka answered herself.

"i didn't say you can." he didn't even spare to look.

she climbs up and sits on the railing. although it was uncomfortable, it was the only way she could get his atttention.

"ah. if i'm only gonna get ignored i shouldn't have joined this game." she rolled her eyes.

"what do you want?" he rudely asked.

"well, what do you need?" since she was a bit higher on his point of view, she leans in and smirks.

"i don't need anything." he pushes her away.

a moment of silence passed. and the game had begun. 

"i can't die."

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