Chapter 9

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Alex's POV
I was nervous, oh god I was so nervous.I could of made it so I instantly appeared in Jack's room, but I needed to run through what I was going to say in my head. Although, everything I could come up with just ended up sounds either lame, desperate or just pathetic. Then again, that probably sums me up pretty well right now. I was just round the corner when something Vic said hit me...I scared him. Oh god, when I got all angry and...what if he doesn't want to see me again? What if he's now terrified of me? Yup, Vic was right, I was an idiot, but I wasn't just any idiot, I was thee biggest idiot in the entirity of the human and Shinigami worlds. Just randomly showing up in his room might not be the best idea, just in case he is now terrified of me. Oh damn I'm stupid.

I stood outside his house, all the lights where off, except his, but his curtains where drawn, so I couldn't see. I sighed, wondering how I could catch his attention. After about five minutes I had a great idea, see Jack had made me watch this film, I couldn't remember what it was called. But basically a guy screwed up, the girl wouldn't talk to him so he did this really sweet thing. He laid out candles spelling, 'I'm sorry' and threw pebbles at her window until she opened them and he sang to her. Now, I had no idea where I was going to get candles from, especially that many, so I settled on just throwing the pebbles and singing. But then I was stuck with the question 'what song', I was racking my brain frantically for all the songs Jack made me listen to. I had to admit, the guy had great taste in music, there wasn't a song he'd played me that I didn't love. Especially this band called Blink 182, they where amazing. Soon enough, I had my song, I found a few pebbles on the ground and started throwing them at his window. I hope this works.

Jack's POV
I missed Alex, I missed him so bad it was killing me. As the days went by it only got worse, they said time heals, but I don't think time could heal this, it seemed impossible.
I was laying in my bed, like I had been since Alex left. The only time I left my bed where the times my mom forced me to eat dinner and take a shower, because apprently I stank. They kept pestering me as to what was wrong but I just kept telling them the same thing. I was stressed and wasn't feeling well, I faked having a nasty cold and headaches. They seemed to buy it because now they stopped asking and my mom just kept offering me tablets and glasses of water. I accepted them, as I didn't want it to seem like a lie, it was only paracetomol, and I did have headaches from all the crying so, they turned out to be kinda useful.

I was about to give up trying to sleep and try to distract myself with some studying when I started hearing a clinking noise against my window. I sat up, confused and wiped my tears before going to open the window.
When I looked down, my breathing caught in my throat and a fresh set of tears threatened my eyes. I was about to speak but the sound of Alex's voice, singing, stopped me.Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
We'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends

I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you

Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
Webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
Stop this pain tonight

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