Chapter 27 (Finale)

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A/N: Yup this is it guys, last chapter! Just wanna take a moment to thank everyone who's stuck with this. I know it hasn't been perfect, and I've made a few little screw ups on the way, and it hasn't turned out quite as I planned. But for those who have bared with me, continued reading, voting etc, thank you!

But a special thank you goes to The-Fanfic-Girl and Kuroiinku, because honestly, without those two I'd of probably stopped writing this a while ago. So squishy, Babycakes, thank you for all your support and everything <3 Love you both!

Jack's POV

Two weeks. Two weeks had passed since Me and Kellin had been arrested and it was hell. Literally think of your worst nightmare, and times that by ten...that just about sums it up. We where transferred to a higher security prision, where we where locked in our own rooms. We where forced to wear blind folds whenever we where permitted to leave our room's, the food was worst then hospital food, it was vile, and I was allow zero contact with Kellin.

I was treated like dirt by the guards, when they where walking me to wherever they where taking me, be it outside for fresh air, or too another room to speak to my attorney. Oh, and that one time my parents and sister found out their son had been arrested for mass murder and came to see me. They hadn't seen me since, and they swore never to see me again, they told me I deserved to rot in hell, I was no son of their's. That broke my heart, but what could I really expect? But yeah, the guards would push me around, saying how I'm not so tough now and that I would never be able to find them. One even beat the back of my legs, or my back whenever he was left with the duty of bringing me out of my room. It was torture, I had so many bruises, but, I guessed I deserved it.

The only good thing was, Alex had never left my side, apart from the very odd occasion when I asked him to go find Kellin and check up on him for me. With us being locked in our own cells with those big solid iron meant we had a bit of privacy. We in no way did anything...well like that, I was too weak, tired, fed up...I'd pretty much just given up on life if I was honest. I was almost twenty and I was in jail for mass murder...great right? You ever sit there and think, what on earth did I do in my life to get here? Yeah, I pretty much did that every night. Of course, I knew what I did, and I knew what I'd done was wrong, even if I had saved innocent lives. But, I went from being a normal teenage boy who'd of never dreamed of hurting another human, as much as I wanted too, to a serial about doing a complete one eighty huh?

However, me and Alex where more free to kiss and cuddle, like a couple usually would, and talk, properly that is, as long as I kept my voice to a whisper, without looking like I've gone completely insane. But in saying that, give me a year or two and if I'm not already completely crazy, I will be. The most perfectly sane person can be put in my position and turn...Joker level of insane in a matter of time. And come on, I honestly don't think you can get a high level of insane then that, I mean, the Joker is a whole new out of this world kind of insane...and yeah, pretty sure I was getting there, slowly.

Everything was looking bleak for me and Kellin, from what my attorney was saying, we're facing life trapped in these cells. There was no plea bargins, no negotiations allowed, hell, they decided that they weren't even going to give us a trail. Nope, we where going straight into being sententanced now they had everything they needed from us. That was quite funny actually, J wouldn't believe the note's where how we where killing, so, I let him touch mine...and Alex, being pissed off, angry and upset, appeared in his full Shinigami form...and that alone is pretty scary...but when Alex was also pissed off, angry, upset and just about ready to butcher everyone in the presinct in order to brake me and Kellin out...he was damn freaking terrifying. J's reaction to it...the guy had a mini heart attack I swear, he literally fell backwards on his chair, falling to the floor before scurrying up against the wall going 'no, no, no you're not real'...pretty sure we actually made him have a slight mental brake down for a moment. I had warned him was his fault really. But as I was saying, they where skipping straight to the sentencing...and that...was today.

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