Chapter 4

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Jack's POV

"Jack are you ok? You've been acting very odd recently." My mom questioned as I helped her with the dishes after dinner.
"Oh, um, just stress with exams coming up that's all." I lied, I couldn't exactly say 'oh you know there's a god of death upstairs in my room right now, who by the way, is totally hot, and oh yeah, I've killed twenty people in the last week.'
"Awww you'll do great love, don't stress yourself out too much." She touched my face with her hand softly. She always had that look of unconditional love for me and my sister, May, in her eyes. But if she knew what I was really doing, that look would turn into one of hate. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn't stop, especially now, if I rid of the book, Alex would be gone too, and I didn't want that.
"I'll try mom. I'm going to do some studying."
"Alright love, you should take the night off tomorrow and see your friends, you've studied every night the past week. You deserve a night off, it will do you some good."
"Yeah maybe." I sighed, maybe a night with my friends might do me good, take the night off from studying...and writing names in my note. "Thanks mom."
I grabbed an apple and headed upstairs, after Alex tried one last night, he couldn't seem to get enough of them. God knows why, I mean they're nice and all but he made them seem like the best thing in the world.

"So what you going to do about the book? I wouldn't leave it laying around or just stuffed in your bag if I where you?" Alex was leaning against the wall, with his arms folded.
"There's a loose floor board under my bed, I'm going hide it there for now, until I find a better spot." I threw the apple at him and he laughed excited.
"Thank you!" He smiled his brilliantly bright smile as he tucked into his apple.
"Um so, I was wondering...could I...could I see your Shinigami form?"
He was about to take another bite but stopped, raising his eye brow. "Are you sure you want too?"
"Yes." I nodded, I was curious to see his true form.
"Okay but remember, you asked." He shrugged.

My mouth dropped open, it was not the way I imagined it at all. I though he was going to look like the Grimm reaper or all bones and terrifying. But in all honesty, he still looked...human, sort off.
His hair was a darker brown, without the blonde highlights, but still long and floppy. His face still looked human aside from the deep red eyes. He still stood at about six foot and was covered completely, from the nose to his hips, including his arms and hands, in a silver material bounded by leather belts. A black cape lined with black fur around the neck floated behind him and his legs where covered by baggy black trousers. One thing did stand out big time though...a great big giant scythe that was bigger then him.
I'm pretty sure any normal human being would have shit themselves and died of a heart attack by now...but...I mean I found Alex hot before, and aside from the scary looking scythe he was even hotter in true form. Oh god I need to be locked in a padded cell!

"So, what you think?" His voice changed a little, it became a little deeper, darker, and damn I found it as hot as hell.
"I-uh, you don't look like I imagined that's for sure."
"We don't all look as human as I do, but yeah, this is me, Alex...or if you want to call me by my full name it's Arekusu, but I prefer just Alex."
Oh hell, even his Shinigami name sounded hot! God damn why the hell did I end up with some smoking hot, attractive Shinigami? Why couldn't he be all ugly and scary like the ones in horror stories? "Because they're not real, I am."
"Will you stopped doing that?" I frowned.
"It's ok, I find you attractive as well, for a human." And just like that he switched back to 'human' Alex, with a smirk on his lips.
I felt my cheeks flush crimson. "I-uh-um-thanks?"
Alex chuckled. "You know, if you want to kiss me...I'll let you. And I know you do, the way you keep looking at my eyes, then to my lips then back to my eyes."
This was so messed up, I did want to kiss him but seriously! He's dead! He'd a Shinigami! I mean, of all the guys in the world...I'm attracted to a god...of death! It's official, I'm insane.
"I-uh...ummm..." I shuffled awkwardly, looking down at the ground.

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