Chapter 3

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Jack's POV

I can't believe I did it, I've actually used the book to kill people. In six days I've killed a total of thirteen people, all major criminals who's gotten away with murder, literally. Or gotten away with doing the unspeakable and harming innocent children.
There was a part of me that was oddly...proud that I'd made a difference, saved innocent people by making sure they couldn't kill again or harm an innocent child.
But other part of me was riddled with guilt, I was killing people! Surly that made me no better then those who's names I was writing in my book.
But every time I wrote a name down, I'd tell myself it was the last one and destroy the book...but here I was writing my fourteenth name down.

It maybe be sick and twisted, but I was finally making a difference the only way I could. There was no other way to fix the corruption in the world. My ears pricked up to the sound of the news reporter on the TV.

"Yet another two suspected criminal's died today. The first was the suspected pedophile John Clayton and the second who was pronounced dead just minutes ago is Michael Georgeson, a suspected murderer. Both suspects had stood trial but both cases where dismissed due to insufficient evidence. Their cause of deaths have both been ruled as a sudden heart attack, making them the fourth and fifth suspected criminal to die from a heart attack this week, along side two other committed criminals. We will update you once we know more."
My heart stopped for a minute and panic slowly started to bubble inside me. People where starting to notice. I was trying to be careful, but I was still learning the limitations of the book. So far I had learned 'run over by a car while crossing road' was sufficient enough. I didn't have to write the exact street, time or anything. I'd also learned that making them commit suicide was possible. Another thing I'd learned was that I could not make them do the physically impossible. I'd written that John Clayton was to be shot in London, England...but he simply died from a heart attack. So it became clear it had to be possible for it to happen, I could not, even with this book make the impossible happen.
You'd think that this would be explained in the 'how to's', but it wasn't, just those five rules printed.

If I was going to carry on, I had to be more careful, stick to what I knew, space them out, watch my step. Although, so long as no one found the book in my possession, there was no way anyone could ever know it was me. But still, it wasn't worth the risk of getting careless.
You all probably think I've totally lost the plot, in honesty, I think I have too, but come on, what would you do with the book? Be honest with yourself, half of you are probably thinking I've gone insane and should be locked up. But I bet the other half of you are cheering me on, and knew if you had the same chance, you'd do the same thing.
There was still one question that lingered though...where did the book come from?

"I dropped it." A male voice spoke, making me jump out of my skin, sending my heart racing and falling off my desk chair.
"What that..." I turned to face the voice and the second my eyes laid eyes on him my breathing hitched.
He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He stood at about six foot, just a little shorter then me. He had beautiful soft looking golden brown hair with blonde high lights running through it.
His eyes where the most perfect shade of brown you could ever imagine.
His lips looked soft, pink and oh so kissable. He was slim, but he had more meat on his bones then I did, and I liked it, no, I loved it. Age wise, he looked about my age too.
He oozed with confidence as his lips twitched into a small smirk, assessing me with his eyes just as I was assessing him. He was a god, a handsome, good looking, hella sexy god, that was the best way to describe him.

"I'm Alex, and that Deathnote is mine." He pointed one of his long fingers towards the book that laid on my desk. "I must say, I didn't expect you do use it as much as you did, in fact I was sure you'd have destroyed it by now."
"I-I uh...are you here to take it back?" I was in shock, almost speechless, my mouth felt drier then the desert, a lump formed in my throat. I just stared, completely bemused at the person in front of me.
"Oh, no, no it's yours now to do with what you will. I'm just the Shinigami that comes with it."
Shinigami? Where have I heard that word before...oh god...he was a god...of death...but he looked...human?!
"I-but you..."
"I know I look human...that's the great thing about us Shinigami's we can appear perfect human if we want too...see, even a beating heart." He grabbed my wrist and put it to his chest, over his heart, and sure enough, it was beating. "Of course I have a true Shinigami form, but I didn't really want to cause you a heart attack and have you die on the spot."
"I-you can...t-touch me."
"If I so wish you too yes." He nodded.
"C-can anyone else see you?"
"No, only you, although, if someone else where to touch the book then they'd be able to see me too. But as you're the owner and the only person to have touched it, you are the only one who can see me."
"S-so if someone walked in...right now..."
"You'd probably be locked up in a padded cell because you'd look like you where talking to yourself." He chuckled. His chuckle was musical, albeit laced with darkness, but it just made it more perfect to me.
"I-uh-why are you here?"
"As I said, I'm the Shinigami that comes attracted with that note. I could just stay in my realm but it's boring up there. Much more interesting here in the human world, and as it seems you aren't going to rid of it, or destroy it, I figured I'd tag along for the ride." He sounded so cool, so casual, while me, I was just a stuttering mess.

Jack's Deathnote ~Jalex~Where stories live. Discover now