Chapter 10

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Jack's POV
I could barely believe what happened last night. A part of me was expecting to open my eyes and to find an empty bed with Alex still gone, that bottomless pit of pain still clouding over me.
But instead when I opened my eyes, there was Alex, in my arms, sound asleep peacefully, both of us still unclothed under the bed sheets. And if that wasn't conformation enough, the wince of pain I felt down their when I moved confirmed it was all real.
I really had Alex back, but this time he was mine, and only mine and sure as hell won't be making the same mistake again. I loved Alex and I'd do anything I could to keep him in my life as long as I could.

Everything felt okay again, everything felt right. I no longer had those feelings of worthlessness, of being pathetic, of being evil and no better then those who's names I'd written. Alex fixed me, he made me okay again, and I realized, now I knew my life with him in it, I'd never be okay without him in it again. He meant everything to me, without him now, I'd be nothing, just an empty shell of a person like I had been the last few days.

"Stop staring, it's creepy." Alex mumbled, half opening his sweet, chocolate brown eyes.
"Oh, and like I haven't woken up to find you staring." I sassed.
"Yeah but you're cute when you sleep." He chuckled.
"So are you."
"Hmmm still, stop staring." He shuffled so my face was pressed against his chest and his chin rested on the top of my head. He wrapped his arms around me tighter. "Now you can't stare because you can't see."
"Hmmm we'll see." I grinned at my idea, I had no idea if it would work, but it was worth a shot. I lifted my hand to his side and started wriggling them fast, trying to tickle him.
"ARGH! NO! NO!" Alex squealed and squirmed, I could only smile in victory. "NO! PLEASE! STOP! OKAY OKAY YOU CAN STARE YOU WEIRDO!"
"Promise?" I stopped for a moment.
"Yes, I promise, but please just don't tickle me!"
"Ok then." I shrugged and cuddled back up to him.
"Good. But, uh, as much as I am enjoy the cuddles, you need to go to college do you not?"
My heart sunk a little, I was kind of hoping to just lay all day in bed with him, but I guess he was right, I'd already missed three days, I needed to go.
"Alright." I sighed. "Five minutes though?"
"Five minutes." Alex chuckled and kissed my forehead. Yeah, everything was okay again.

"Hey Jack! Where the hell you been?" Zack came running down the corridor as I sorted though my books in my locker.
"Sorry man, been ill, had like some flu thing." I lied.
"Ewww, you can keep that to yourself." He scrunched up his nose in disgust.
"Hence why I didn't come in doofus! I'm okay now." I chuckled.
"Thank god for that, I really don't need flu with the exams next week."
"No, which is why I'm glad I'm better now and figured I'd better not miss anymore classes."
"You haven't missed too much." He shrugged. "But you can borrow my notes tonight for what you have missed if you like?"
"That would be awesome, thanks dude." I grinned
"You're welcome. You seem...chirpier then there a guy?"
"What? No! I'm just in a good mood okay? Spent the last few days feeling like I'm on death's doors, so enjoying the feeling of, well, not being on death's door."
"Well, I guess that's a good reason to be happy." He laughed. "Come on, before we're late for class."
"Lead the way Merrick." I shut my locker, stuffing my needed books into my bag and followed him to out first class.

"Oi, Jack, that new kid keeps staring at you, think he fancies you." Rian teased.
"Huh what? What new kid?" I looked confused.
"The one I told you about a while ago." Zack rolled his eyes. "Your memory man, think that flu killed a few thousand brain cells."
"Oh yeah." I looked around the class room and there he was, right in the back, in the corner, staring with his big blue eyes. It was almost like he was looking at some sort of...god? Or like he'd just met his all time favorite celebrity, it made me feel uneasy.
"Mr. Quinn! Are you paying attention?" Our Math teacher, Mr. Mullin's voice filled the room, everyone going silent and turning their attention to the boy in the back.
"Yeah, sorry." His cheeks flushed red and looked away, hiding his face behind his long black hair.
"What's his deal?" I furrowed my eyebrows turning my attention back to Zack and Rian while Mr. Mullin's continued with the lesson.
"I don't know man, he's weird, first he seemed, normal, just a bit quite, but yeah last few days he's been acting a little odd. Like, yesterday, I swore I saw him, like, talking to himself." Rian whispered.
"Yeah, I saw it too, but on Monday, I couldn't tell what he was saying, but his mouth was moving a little."
"Yeah but don't we all mutter to ourselves sometimes?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well, I guess that's true, but it seemed like he was having a full blown conversation to himself. Not just one of those muttering curses under your breath kind of things." Zack shrugged.
"Eh, maybe he's just one of those weird kids, I'm sure he's harmless. Besides if he tries it on with me, I got my back up right?"
"Why, don't you fancy him?" Rian poked my arm.
"No, not my type." I shook my head, my type seemed to be Shinigami's by the name of Alex, and well, this Quinn guy was clearly living, and nothing like Alex. Still, the way he looked at me made me feel unsure, it was such a weird way to look at someone, especially someone you've never met.
"Well, then back up we are." Zack nodded and we went back to focusing on the lesson.

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